By using Artificial Intelligence and Webots app I have made this Self Driving Car Simulator. First Install Webots app for windows. We have 4 folders for this project.
Controllers folder contains drive_controller [Self Driving Car] and EV_controller [Emergency Vechicle Car] folders inside which we have all driving conditions like lane_management , object_recognition , voice_assistant etc required for the car.
Plugins which contains all the views like top view, bottom view, front view, back view, left view and right view.
Protos folder contains all the car vechicle brands like tesla, bmw, lincoln, range_rover, toyota etc. These cars are used as objections in middle of the road so that our self driving car recognizes them as obstacle and move through a new lane.
Worlds folder contains all the textures like road lines and grass, trees and flowers at the side of road. In this folder we also have highway_overtake which is the webot file. After installing webot we need to open this file and run the application. This is the self driving car simulation. If we need to change the obstacle to other lane we can do it through code or else when we click the obstacle we can move it in a 3-D way and change the obstacle wherever it is needed.