This is a cache system written in C# to make cache process easy.
Working with this library is simple and you can set it up in your project with following instructions:
- Download or Clone this library.
- Add the DLL file to your project using reference section.
- Start using library
Already there is a built in Example Project Called CacheTest
inside the project.
But there is a short example that shows how library works
//Creating a new object of cache system and passing 2 parameters, Base path for the cache folder and the name of the cache folder.
Cache cache = new Cache("C:\\Users\\Shahin\\Desktop", "Images");
//DownloadFile function automatically checks that if the file is already cached or not,
//If it's not cached before it will download the file and store it then return the Path of file
string downloadedFilePath = cache.DownloadFile("", "7C36F81013CE9E0A169D43DAAF98BD21");