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Releases: TawayDev/Tutil


17 Nov 23:23
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Full changelog: v0.2.4.3...v0.2.5.2

  • Logger now writes to log file every X seconds or Y log entries (Configurable in RuntimeConfig)
  • Stopwatch now correctly returns elapsed millis
  • File now has the ability to not close the writer after every flush


11 Nov 13:51
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Full Changelog: v0.2.3...v0.2.4.3

  • Fixed "Tutil not being recognised as a module" in other projects
  • Improved logging by making it take multiple string inputs.
  • Changed First, second and third to X,Y,Z in Pair.
  • Improved console readability by making important logs (warn, error and fatal) have their respective colors applied to their message as well.


31 May 06:14
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  • Improved Time Formatting
  • Bug fixes


07 Mar 19:03
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  • Logging now uses java reflection to get class and method names.
  • Deprecated old logging methods.
  • Added Event handling support (it is super basic but it works)
  • Refactored runtime config names THIS WILL BREAK PREVIOUS VERSIONS


15 Jan 12:09
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Changed package name from dev.taway to dev.taway.tutil. This means that it will break any previously used methods and may need to be re-imported manually into your project.
Improved code readability.
Improved HTTP requests.
Improved Logger.

Other improvements and changes which are not mentioned here can be found in commit history.
Overall this version is just a code quality improvement.

NOTE: Please download the jar with dependencies unless you already have downloaded all of the dependencies yourself.


26 Nov 10:14
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First release. Includes basic features such as Files, Directories, API, JSON, RSA encryption, Caesars cypher, Time formatting, Logging and a very very simple Bubblesort. May be buggy, may crash but i think i covered everything with tests. If not open an issue.