Unity project with some things I've been working on:
- Matching technique for getting 2D haptic feedback (virtual-real table)
- Turn your table into a whiteboard (fingers to paint, fist to erase)
- Detect space-coupled convex 3D gestures (applied on drawing detection)
- Fast hand gesture recognition
- Optimized 3D scanned room
- Virtual touchscreen
- Virtual piano
- VR shopping (POC)
How can I open this project?
git clone https://github.com/jormaje/IndustrialTechDemo
- Open UnityHub
- Press Add and select the folder where you cloned this repo (Unity 2019.3.1f1)
This Unity project uses the following:
3D Models:
Oculus Integration and VRTK package are already imported and ready to go in this project.
- Jorge Juan González - HCI Researcher at I3A (UCLM) - GitHub - LinkedIn - ResearchGate
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details