Welcome to the GitHub Repository for Team Cartographer's Application to the 2022-23 NASA App Development Challenge! Our team for this project from Anaheim, CA, is:
- John B. ('23), Abhi A. ('23), Kion M. ('24), Kabir A. ('24), Natalie K. ('24), Efe C. ('24)
- James Ristow, NASA Kennedy Space Center
- Alexandre Tolstenko, Champlain College Division of IT and Science
- Nchima Kapoma, New School Parsons College of Design
- Dr. Brian Welch, NASA Goddard Flight Center
- Petter Amland, Creator of Python's Ursina Library
- Diana Ramirez, our ADC Lead Teacher
- Mrs. Leslie, Mr. Fawcett, Mr. Drake
- Chrysa N., Khiet H.
- Petter Amland
- John B.
Here are instructions on how to run the application locally.
This application will only work on Windows Operating Systems with Python 3.9+. For Mac Users, refer to installations of Virtual Machines or BootCamp to be able to run the app.
- Download the Repository
- Make sure you have any Regional Data Files from the ADC Website
- Run Artemis_ADC_Launcher.py, and have fun exploring the moon!
Note that a mouse is required for app functions
Note that Key Bindings are not customizable.
App Demo: https://streamable.com/fztsrg
- W, A, S, D -> General Movement
- R -> Reset Player Position
- E -> Toggle Earth Entity
- X -> Toggle First Person/3D Camera Views
- 1 -> Moon Texture
- 2 -> Path Texture
- 3 -> Heightmap
- 4 -> Slopemap
- LShift -> (In First Person Only) Sprint
- ESC -> Pause/Main Menu Access
- LShift+Q -> Quit Application