This application was created as part of the teamwork assignment for the course C# OOP (December 2016) at Telerik Academy by Team 'Elderberry'. The application visualizes stock data in real time. Historical index prices are downloaded from Yahoo Finance and the current stock prices are obtained from Google Finance. For visualizing the data, we used Windows Forms, [MetroFramework] ( and LiveChats. The application is to be further developed by adding features like
- Portfolio (building a portfiolio by picking stocks, visualizing portfolio performance)
- Visualization of Stock Prices by manualy picking tickers
- Using an algorithm to show recommendation
- Show releveant news
The following team members were randomly chosen to participate in the team project assignment as Team 'Elderberry':
Name | Username |
Milena Sapunova | milena.aleksandrova |
Nikolay Valkov | ndvalkov |
Yasen Ivanov | yasen.ivanov.921 |
Julian Panov | julian_panov |
Georgi Despolov | despolov96 |
Lyuben Bobchev | LyubenST |
Ivan Krastev | *ivankrastev |
Roksana Peycheva | roksana.peycheva.5 |
Following a team meeting and carefull consideration of our ideas, all team members agreed to fulfill the team project requirements by creating a Stock Application. The user is first required to enter username and password. After successfull login, one can see the performance of the S&P 500 for the past 6 months. The user can choose another index or can compare two indicies at the same time. He is also abel to choose dates and disply a different time period. On the second tab, one can observe the percentage price change of 8 stocks in real time. The data is downloaded and displayed every few seconds. The application indicates the price update with a short blinking of the box.