nbt editor && viewer component for the web.
<script lang="ts">
import 'compression-streams-polyfill';
import { Viewer } from '$lib';
let files: FileList | undefined;
let data: Promise<Uint8Array> | undefined;
$: if (files) {
data = files[0].arrayBuffer().then((buffer) => new Uint8Array(buffer));
} else {
data = undefined;
<input type="file" accept=".nbt" bind:files />
{#await data}
{:then data}
<Viewer {data} />
{:catch error}
The internal library that nbt-edit
uses, NBTify
, uses Compression and Decompression streams.
These are not supported in all browsers. If you are using nbt-edit
in a browser that does not support these streams, you will need to include a polyfill.
The reccomended polyfill is compression-streams-polyfill, as it works well with SvelteKit.
Firefox does not support these streams, and Chrome supports them only in version 80 and above.