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Wildeaso1 edited this page Mar 15, 2024 · 8 revisions


The players and the NPC's have set coordinates they'd need to move towards. We save the coordinates beforehand by using the Enum extensions. This allows us to save the Player's possible destinations and the NPC's possible destinations.

Written by : William



title: Movement
    class BaseMovement{
        # float p_movementSpeed
        # UnityEvent onStartedMoving
        # UnityEvent onStopMoving
        # IEnumerator MoveTowardsGridPoint<T>(T points)
        # StartMoving<T>(T targetPoint)
        # RotateToWalkPoint(Vector3 newPos)
    class PlayerMovement{
        - UnityEvent activateMovingProtocol
        + StartMoving(int playerPoints)
        + StartMovingEvent()
    class NpcMovement{
        + StartMoving(int npcPoints)
    BaseMovement <|-- PlayerMovement
    BaseMovement <|-- NpcMovement


title: Movement
flowchart TB

    subgraph BaseMovement
        StartMoving[StartCoroutine GridPoint]

    Start --> StartMovingEvent
    StartMovingEvent --> StartMoving
    StartMoving --> MoveTowardsGridPoint
    MoveTowardsGridPoint --> RotateToWalkPoint
    RotateToWalkPoint --> StopMoving
    StopMoving --> End


Base Movement

Methods Return Description
MoveTowardsGridPoint(Enum) Ienumerator This moves the object (Player or NPC) towards a given coordinate from the Enum that is assigned to it's parameter
StartMoving(Enum) void This starts the coroutine that moves the player. In here we assign the enum which contains the coordinates. The enum is a

Playermovement & NPC Movement

Both player movement and NPC movement inherit the basemovement class. Ontop of this they both share one line of code which will allow us to call the function in a UnityEvent

Methods Return Description
StartMoving(int) void With this script we attach the StartMoving(enum) from the basemovement script. That allows us to convert the enum into ints while keeping the functionality.


Down below are links to the script if u wanna take a closer look.

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