RoboRIO code for the Infinite Recharge robot of Team 2554
Our robot's programming is so good, even a 5 year old could win a match with it! It comes equipped with unparalleled autonomous and driver assistance technologies, making it easy to perform key tasks in the game.
The robot uses a custom-built vision target tracking system along with latency-compensated closed-loop control to automatically lock on to the target. The Raspberry Pi code for vision target tracking can be found in the HawkVision 2.0 repository.
This year's code features trajectory planning and motion control through the WPILib Trajectory pipeline. It is used for following a trajectory quickly and accurately in order to score autonomous points.
The robot features a RevRobotics Color Sensor and a motor with an encoder to accurately control the control panel with the click of a joystick button.
The robot has a second RevRobotics Color Sensor V3 to detect the line on the playing field. This is paired with a auto-stop feature to automatically bring the robot to a halt if it detects a white line if the driver wills to do so. This allows for accurate targeting and consistency during the teleoperated period.