This Application is a proposed solution for the "Employee's Information Management" problem statement in Hack@GNE.
The repository we forked, is by Sagar Maheshwary,
The System is capable of managing database of employees of a University/College along with a Pay-Roll System.
The Application is based on php Laravel, Materialize-css version 1.0.0 alpha-4 , material icons.
Added a Pay-Roll Management System, the repository we forked,, Open Payroll System.
Added User Module.
Modified Division Tab to Designation Tab.
Worked on Normalization of overall Database Structure
Php Laravel, Xampp, MySQL
- make sure you already have xampp or wamp installed if you are on windows machine, mamp for mac , and lamp for linux.
clone this repository to your local machine or just download the zip.
install Composer first, then run this command in your command-line (you should be inside your project directory).
composer install
rename .env.example to .env and add your database and mail driver credentials.
generate application key.
php artisan key:generate
- create database tables.
php artisan migrate
- create a default admin.
php artisan db:seed
- clear config (only if you make changes to .env file and restart the server if you are using laravel dev server).
php artisan config:clear
- Link the storage folder for images.
php artisan storage:link
Install Open-Payroll. By referring the file of Open-Payroll,
Start the development server.
php artisan serve
In Laravel, all the requests are directed to index.php in public directory so, please use a Virtual Host instead of opening it from http://localhost/your-laravel-project/public (It doesn't work that way).
- Email :-
- Password :- Password
Please star the project if you like it. Thank you!