Flask Summarization App Documentation
The Flask Summarization App is a web application developed using the Flask web framework. It allows users to log in, input text, and generate a summary of the input text using a text summarization model.
● User authentication: Users can log in with a username and password. ● Text Summarization: Users can input text into a form, and the application generates a summary of the input text using a text summarization model. ● SQLite Database: User login details and input/output text summaries are stored in an SQLite database. Installation git clone https://github.com/devesh2525/Flask-Summarization-App/settings
AI Model:
● Model: Fine-Tuned T5 Small for Text Summarization (an open source model from Falconsai) https://huggingface.co/Falconsai/text_summarization ● The Fine-Tuned T5 Small is a variant of the T5 transformer model, designed for the task of text summarization. It is adapted and fine-tuned to generate concise and coherent summaries of input text. ● During the fine-tuning process, a batch size of 8 is chosen for efficient computation and learning. Additionally, a learning rate of 2e-5 is selected to balance convergence speed and model optimization ● Model size: 60.5M parameters
Running the Application:
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Activate the virtual environment (if using).
- Run the Flask application: python run.py Access the application in your web browser at Project Structure The project follows a standard Flask application structure: ● app/ ○ init.py: Initializes the Flask application and sets up configurations. ○ forms.py: Defines Flask-WTF forms used in the application. ○ models.py: Defines SQLAlchemy models for the database. ○ routes.py: Contains URL routes, view functions and AI components. ○ templates/: Contains HTML templates for rendering views. ● venv/: Virtual environment directory.(if using) ● run.py
- Login: ○ Navigate to the login page (/). ○ Enter the username and password and submit the form. i. Username: admin ii. Password: password ○ Upon successful login, the application redirects to the text summarization page.
- Text Summarization: ○ Enter the input text in the provided textarea. ○ Click the "Summarize" button. ○ The application generates a summary of the input text and displays it below the form.
● Flask: Web framework for building web applications. ● Flask-WTF: Provides integration with WTForms for handling web forms. ● SQLAlchemy: Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for database interactions. ● transformers: Library for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, used for text summarization. ● Werkzeug: Utility library for handling WSGI requests.
Contributor(s): ● Devesh Sharma