#Software Testing Assignment 2
Task | Status | James | Joe |
Create Repo | [x] | [x] | [x] |
Collect requirements from Sim Discussion | [x] | [x] | [x] |
Put requirements in Readme.md | [x] | [x] | [x] |
User Acceptance Test Spreadsheet | [x] | [x] | [x] |
Traceability Matrix | [x] | [x] | [x] |
Test plans (at least 2) | [ ] | [x] | [ ] |
Code Program | [x] | [x] | [x] |
Implement Unit Tests | [x] | [x] | [x] |
Explain away not included Methods | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
500-1000 word report per test run | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
Screenshots of tests in action | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
Executive Summary | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
Ensure Contribution gap < 20% | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
Joe might have broken our contribution gap by writing CI/CD stuff
//work on this section
Create Github page
Create report showing a simulated discussion with the customer/product owner to collect accurate and complete requirements.
Write up the final requirements in the readme below
- Each requirement must have a key code as suggested by the initial requirements(Not sure wht this is)
- Your final requirements may differ from the original by numbers and nature Create Enhancement issues for each requirement
- Use bugs and stuff as well
User Acceptance Testing
Design User Acceptance Test cases matching the agreed requirements
Test cases must cover
- Equivalent classes of input values and edge cases
- The tests should include expected errors
- If a feature is supposed to alert users on errors under certain circumstances, you need to have tests for this
- List your User Acceptance test in an Excel/Google sheet and link it here in some way
- You can organise these how you want but you'll need to add a traceability matrix showing the mapping of test cases to requirements to your report
- Produce at lease 2 test plans as per the IEEE829 test plan referenced in appendix B (Investigate this)
- You choose how to dispatch said tests.
- Some topics might not make sense for this project. Just put N/A for these
- Proceed with a test run and write up your findings.
- Your findings are likely to find defects
- Track these on github as issues and give them a severity
- Do not attempt to fix code unless you find critical issues that making your tests pointless
- In this case, Report a second test run
Unit testing
Done using JUnit 4 or 5
- Implement unit tests for every public method and constructor
- If a method or constructor is not covered explain why
- Test cases must at least cover equivalent classes input values and edge cases
- If a method is supposed to fail with exceptions under certain conditions your tests should show this.
1 Report per student
This report must contain:
Black box testing
- Spreadsheet with User Acceptance level tests
- User Acceptance Test plans
- At least 2 UA test plans as per the IEEE829 test plan referencing the associated test cases or suites
- User Acceptance tests Traceability Matrix
- This checks all the requirements are covered
- Test runs findings
- Report 500/1000 words per run on your test findings
- This includes discoveries, difficulties, what could have been better, observations etc
White box testing
- Evidence of the tests
- Screenshots of the tests in action
- A reasonable amount of these tests should be passing for the test run to make sense
- It is not required for tests to reach 100% each run
- Unit test plans are not required (Don't know what these are anyways)
- Github Repo
- Must show requirements and bug tracking
- The code should contain the actual software and the tests
- Your report should also contain an executive summary and a link to the Repo
- Upload to EIT Online
Appendix A
Your Customer/Project Owner wants you to implement a console-based blackjack game with 2 dice. The human player plays against the computer.
1:Create two players. Assign one to human and one to computer 2:Create game loop/stack. Put the human player on top. 3:First player goes. 4:At start, the player gets two random numbers between 1-13 5:The random numbers are summed up 6:The player can then choose to hold or roll again 7:If they choose to roll again, numbers are added to the previous sum 8:If the player holds, its the computers turn 9:Give the computer two random numbers between 1-13 10:The random numbers are summed up 11:if total is less than 15 roll again and add that 12:The closest to 21 without going over is the winner 13:Display winner on screen
Test Plan Standard IEEE 829
Appendix B
Look here for PDF