Attach to a running node. You may need to specify your specific configuration.
photon attach
// Note: define variable sfcc (instead of sfc) to avoid clashing with the sfc namespace introduced in go-sirius v0.7.0-rc1.
gov = web3.tpc.contract(abi).at("0x41195c3BACE2CcCEC779fBfEAC7b80E61F9E185a")
The current Governance release is 0.0.1-rc2
. The ABI output available at ./releases/gov-abi-0.0.1-rc2.json
// Sanity check
gov.proposalFee() // if everything is all right, will return a non-zero value
personal.unlockAccount(YOUR_ADDRESS, "password", 60)
Note: All references to "self-voters" refer to "validators".