I created this challenge to improve my HTML and CSS skills in 15 Days and I did not have any set challenges to solve before starting with this challenge so as I completed my first day challenge, I created a new challenge for the next day and as in just 15 days of coding my skills in UI/UX design improved a lot. All projects I made in this challenge are mobile responsive and some of them follow the bootstrap column-grid-style.
I did not use JavaScript though as I first wanted to have a good grasp on HTML and CSS and after that I thought of starting a new challenge on JavaScript since it has a lot to be covered.
- Knowledge about basics of HTML and CSS before starting this challenge.
- Commitment to finish all challenges.
- Nothing more... You are ready to begin.
- Fork and Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Start from Day1 index.html by running it into your default browser (Preferably Chrome).
- Don't look at it's HTML and CSS until you are done writing and running your own version of that project.
- For any help look at StackOverflow, YouTube and Google is your best friend.
- This is the best way of learning if you are determined enough to achieve awesome UI/UX skills all by yourself.
- Don't look at the code before finishing the challenge.
- You are free to modify colors as per your likings.
- Try to keep the design similar but you are free to add your own creativity into it.
- Follow the sequence of challenges by Days like day1 index.html will be done before day2 index.html
- Once you complete all the challenges, upload it on GitHub and send me an email with your GitHub link at rishabha.1999@gmail.com for constructive feedbacks and name mentions.
No one has completed this challenge yet. Would you be the first one to take this initiative and complete all the challenges? You will get your name mentioned here with your GitHub profile link.
- Day 1: Your Animated Name
- Day 2: Animated Welcome Text
- Day 3: Awesome Slider
- Day 4: Added multi-colors
- Day 5: 3D Cube rotation
- Day 6: Front-end Template
- Day 7: Implementing Boogle
- Day 8: Parallax Effect
- Day 9: Drop-Down Navigation Menu
- Day 10: Responsive Login Screen
- Day 11: Landing Page with Bootstrap
- Follow along Tutorial here
- Day 12: Responsive Web Design
- Day 13: PSD to HTML
- Follow along Tutorial here
- Day 14: Responsive Pricing Table
- Day 15: Fully Responsive Box-Model
- Drew Ryan (YouTube)
- CodeGrid (YouTube)
- Online Tutorials (YouTube)
- Transversy Media (YouTube)
- W3Schools (Website)
- Font Awesome (Website)
- Link: https://fontawesome.com/
- Bootstrap (Website)
- Atom Text Editor (Text Editor)
- Link: https://atom.io/
- Google fonts (Website)
- Adobe Photoshop (Image Editor)
All images used in these challenges are free for commercial use with no attributions required.