Fixed bugs:
- ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"recipients", :id=>nil} missing required keys: [:id] #313
- ActionView::Template::Error: TrueClass does not have #dig method #308
- NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass #306
- NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass #305
- TypeError: TrueClass does not have #dig method #303
- NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass #302
- Subscribed users still see "3 left" message for checking eligibility #221
- Hide upgrade CTA when subscribed #216
- ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'recipient_count' for Fund. #214
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass #137
- ActionController::UrlGenerationError: No route matches {:action=>"new", :controller=>"eligibilities", :id=>nil, :proposal_id=>"6227"} missing required keys: [:id] #135
- ActionController::UnknownFormat: SignupController#user is missing a template for this request format and variant.
request.formats: ["image/gif", "image/x-xbitmap", "image/jpeg", "image/pjpeg", "application/x-shockwave-flash", "application/vnd.ms-excel", #133
- JSON::ParserError: 743: unexpected token at '<html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Error Page</title>
body {
font-family: Arial, Hel #132 - URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?): http://data.companieshouse.gov.uk/doc/company/Cooperative & Community Benefits Co. No:17410R.json #116
- NameError: undefined local variable or method `recommended_funds_path' for #<FeedbackController:0x007f5fc04173b0>
Did you mean? recommended_proposal_funds_path #114 - ActionView::Template::Error: Missing partial proposals/states/_complete with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:js, :html], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:raw, :erb, :html, :builder, :ruby, :slim, :coffee, :arb, :jbuilder, :haml]}. Searched in:
* "/app/app/views #113 - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `fund_apply_path' for #<#<Class:0x007f5fc4817c68>:0x007f5fb094f7c0>
Did you mean? funder_map_path #111 - NoMethodError: undefined method `text' for nil:NilClass #107
- NoMethodError: undefined method `text' for nil:NilClass #106
- ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find Eligibility with ID=68888 for Proposal with ID=4885 #102
- Eligibility not shown for recipients with free subscription who have multiple proposals #99
- NoMethodError: undefined method `tr' for nil:NilClass
Did you mean? try #96 - Subnav incorrect on apply page #93
- Mixpanel reporting incorrect proposal.state #92
- Mixpanel tracking logging incorrectly #89
- Charity commission beta scrape on people pane returns inconsistent values #84
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass #82
- ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column districts.name does not exist
LINE 1: ...untry_id" = $1 ORDER BY "districts"."region" ASC, "districts...
: SELECT "districts #81 - Restore chosen_select assets on active_admin #73
- Scrape charity with invalid number fails #56
- Count of eligibility checks by week/month #50
- 'Recently registered charity' date scrape #46
- Postal code not scraping from charity commission #39
- PagesController#faq NoMethodError undefined method `has_proposal?' #3
- treeMultiselect being called on proposals index #2
Closed issues:
- JSON::ParserError: 765: unexpected token at '' #311
- Update org_type for existing Community Interest Company users #299
- Add eligibility check service for durations #295
- Add eligibility check service for amounts #294
- Develop user interview questions for funders #281
- Track metrics for theory of change performance #279
- Add problem statement to ToC for fund seekers and funders #278
- Reusable eligibility criteria components #276
- Approach 'cold' funders by email #274
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `strftime' for nil:NilClass #270
- TypeError: no implicit conversion from nil to integer #268
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `to_i' for []:Array
Did you mean? to_s
to_h #263 - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `beneficiary_distribution' for #<Fund:0x007fc3d856d468> #256
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `beneficiary_distribution' for #<Fund:0x007fc3f66d92c0> #255
- When funder only has one fund, show the funder name as the main title, rather than "main fund" #254
- Low tier pricing a/b #231
- Days since last visit analysis #230
- esmee-fairbairn-foundation-children-and-young-people not saving with open_data #227
- the-indigo-trust-main-fund not saving with open_data #226
- Add beneficiary tags insight to summary list #209
- Add example of previously funded orgs insight to summary list #208
- Admin can login as user #204
- Add amount_award_sum to Fund #203
- Arrange user interviews 3-5 funders #201
- Add Cabinet Office article #200
- Event track eligibility ratio and recommended funds to ad content #199
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `check_presence' for " <div class="index_as_table"></div>\n":ActiveAdmin::Views::IndexAsTable #194
- Deprecate funders platform #193
- Deprecate FunderAttribute #192
- LocationMatch notice #190
- Comic Relief article for SEO #189
- Cannot overwrite location eligibility with quiz check #188
- Display location ineligibility reason #184
- /preview/arts vertical stacking #182
- Update funders page #181
- Remove deprecated location matching code #180
- Clean up fund model and table #179
- Updates to fund locations update Proposal.eligibility #178
- Check funds where
>= 2 #177 - Design location algo #175
- Organisation recommendation unavailable despite open data #171
- Reject open data older than 3 years ago #170
- Handle 0% descriptions for org_type #169
- Update paul-hamlyn-foundation-ideas-and-pioneers-fund #168
- Update the-tudor-trust-main-fund #167
- Add the-dulverton-trust-main-fund #166
- Data quality rating or recency threshold #165
- Inactive funds not included in recommendations #164
- Test recommendation scenarios #163
- Programatically update funds #162
- Fund.slug editable #160
- org_type descriptive sentence in summary #159
- Net::ReadTimeout: Net::ReadTimeout #153
- EOFError: end of file reached #152
- SocketError: Failed to open TCP connection to data.companieshouse.gov.uk:80 (getaddrinfo: Name or service not known) #151
- SocketError: Failed to open TCP connection to data.companieshouse.gov.uk:80 (getaddrinfo: Name or service not known) #150
- SocketError: Failed to open TCP connection to data.companieshouse.gov.uk:80 (getaddrinfo: Name or service not known) #149
- SocketError: Failed to open TCP connection to data.companieshouse.gov.uk:80 (getaddrinfo: Name or service not known) #148
- JSON::ParserError: 743: unexpected token at '<html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Error Page</title>
body {
font-family: Arial, Hel #139 - Stripe::AuthenticationError: No API key provided. Set your API key using "Stripe.api_key = <API-KEY>". You can generate API keys from the Stripe web interface. See https://stripe.com/api for details, or email support@stripe.com if you have any questions. #138
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `email' for #<User:0x007febf1bd3d20>
Did you mean? email= #134 - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `fund_path' for #<#<Class:0x007facc5e23bb8>:0x007faca0580490>
Did you mean? funder_map_path
font_path #129 - NoMethodError: undefined method `encoding' for nil:NilClass #125
- NoMethodError: undefined method `encoding' for nil:NilClass #124
- TypeError: no implicit conversion from nil to integer #121
- ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "index_recommendations_on_proposal_id_and_fund_id"
DETAIL: Key (proposal_id, fund_id)=(3594, 1) already exists.
: INSERT INTO "recommendations" ("i #119 - Authorisation checks on charity and company numbers #108
- Replace companies house lookup #104
- Depth vs. breadth #91
- Remove logo's from Funders #88
- Remove :label from District #78
- Provide a 'risk rating' for a proposal against a given fund #77
- Ensure funding recommendations are theme specific #74
- Add descriptions to recommendation ratings #70
- Feedback from Luke @ Dignity Platform #68
- Ensure fund recommendations are location specific #64
- Better cater for religious and generalist organisations #62
- Improve clarity around the site being best suited to organisations and groups rather than individuals #60
- Replace active_admin with administrate #58
- Update dashboard to use funds_checked #57
- Remove acts-as-taggable-on after upgrade to Rails 5 #54
- Add tests for scrape success on org creation #53
- Clear fields if scrape invalid after initial success on org creation #52
- Clarity of application question/guidance #51
- Improved experience for unregistered organisations #49
- Funding period vs year of award #48
- Dual axis percentage comparison funding by month #47
- Rename user_email to email #44
- Remove label from District #43
- Scale organisation_type recommendation result #42
- Update legacy recommendations #41
- Eligible to boolean on recommendation #40
- Refactor rake tasks #38
- When I view a funder I'm interested in, I want to see which funds are most popular, so I can decide which fund to apply for #37
- When I view a funder I'm interested in, I want to see which funds they have, so I can decide which to apply for #36
- When I complete my first funding proposal, I want to browse funds for a given area, so I can see if there are relevant funders #35
- When I reach my free limit, I want to upgrade, so I can access more information and features #34
- When I've finished with a funding proposal, I want to archive it, so I can organise my funding proposals #33
- When I complete my first proposal, I want to update it, so I can improve my results #32
- When I view a fund I'm interested in, I want to see when the deadlines are, so I can decide whether to apply #31
- When I complete my first funding proposal, I want to see which funds are closing soon, so I can prioritise my efforts #30
- When I've bookmarked a fund I'm interested in, I want to be notified when a deadline is approaching, so I can make sure I apply #29
- When I've found a fund I'm interested in, I want to bookmark it, so I can easily return to it #28
- When I view a fund I'm interested in, I want to filter by type of funding, so I can browse similar funds #27
- When I view a fund I'm interested in, I want to see which category it relates to, so I can browse similar funds #26
- When I complete my first funding proposal, I to be able to add another, so I can see recommended funding for each proposal #25
- When I've created multiple funding proposals, I want to switch between each, so I can see relevant funding opportunities for each #24
- When I'm seeking funding for more than one project, I want to create multiple funding proposals, so I can apply for relevant funding for each #23
- When I decide to apply to a fund, I want see information that will help me write an appropriate application, so I can maximise my chances of funding #22
- When I've 'applied' for many funds, I want to see their status, and know what the next steps are, so I can plan my other fundraising #21
- When I view a fund I'm interested in, I want to see similar proposals they've funded, so I can decide whether to apply #20
- When I view a fund I'm interested in, I want to see who they've funded previously, so I can decide whether to apply #19
- When I view a fund I'm interested in, I want to see how likely they are to fund the duration I've requested, so I can decide whether to apply #18
- When I view a fund I'm interested in, I want to see how likely they are to fund the amount I've requested, so I can decide whether to apply #17
- When I view a fund I'm interested in, I want to see if they fund the areas I work in, so I can decide whether to apply #16
- When I view a fund I'm interested in, I want to see if they fund the beneficiaries I work with, so I can decide whether to apply #15
- When I view a recommended fund, I want to understand why it's been suggested, so I can use it to inform my decision #14
- When I've checked my eligibility for multiple funds, I want compare the funds I've checked, so I can decide which one to apply for #13
- When I'm eligible for a fund, I want to see what I should do next, so I can decide to continue or not #12
- When I'm not eligible for a fund, I want to see the reasons why, so I feel I've not wasted my time and correct any mistakes #11
- When I find a relevant funding opportunity, I want to check my eligibility for it, so I can avoid wasted effort #10
- When I complete my first funding proposal, I want to browse funding opportunities by theme area, so I can quickly see if there are relevant funders #9
- When I complete my first funding proposal, I want to see a shortlist of the most relevant funds, so I feel I've found suitable funding opportunities #8
- When I write a funding proposal for a national project, I want to see funds relevant to my nation, so I feel my results are relevant and I have a chance of finding funding #7
- When I write a funding proposal for a regional project, I want to see funds relevant to my region, so I feel my results are relevant and I have a chance of finding funding #6
- When I write a funding proposal for a local project, I want to see funds relevant to my local area, so I feel my results are relevant and I have a chance of finding funding #5
- When I write a funding proposal for a local project, I want to select the local area the project will affect, so I can get results relevant to my local area #4
- Add userId to GA tracking #1
Merged pull requests:
- change beehive-insight to same token-based authentication as beehive-data #317 (drkane)
- change beehive-insight to same token-based authentication as beehive-data #315 (drkane)
- Add eligibility check service for amounts resolves #294 #309 (suninthesky)
- Add amount checking eligibility service #307 (drkane)
- Fix issue #302 #304 (drkane)
- Allow CIC as an org_type #301 (suninthesky)
- Allow CIC as an org_type #300 (drkane)
- Reusable eligibility criteria components #289 (suninthesky)
- Fix type-o in welcome mailer template #273 (suninthesky)
- Update User admin #271 (suninthesky)
- Add hr tag #200 #267 (suninthesky)
- Funder admin #265 (suninthesky)
- Funder admin #264 (drkane)
- Resolve #208 and #204 #261 (suninthesky)
- Funder.name as title when funder has one fund closes #254 #260 (suninthesky)
- Grant examples #259 (drkane)
- Updates for #209 #258 (suninthesky)
- Add beneficiary tags insight to summary list close #209 #253 (suninthesky)
- Beneficiaries description #252 (drkane)
- Low tier pricing a/b resolve #231 #232 (suninthesky)
- Add amount_award_sum to Fund and resolve #203 #225 (suninthesky)
- Remove upgrade artefacts for subscribed users #224 (suninthesky)
- LocationMatch notice #220 (suninthesky)
- Restrict attributes to just those found in fund model #215 (drkane)
- Fix orgtype lookup #207 (drkane)
- Don't run recommendations when open data is older than 3 years #206 (drkane)
- Event tracking eligibility counts and resolve #199 #205 (suninthesky)
- Update funders page and resolve #181 #202 (suninthesky)
- Comic Relief article for SEO and resolve #189 #198 (suninthesky)
- Clean up fund model and table closes #179 #196 (suninthesky)
- Display location ineligibility reason #191 (suninthesky)
- Eligibility LocationMatch #187 (suninthesky)
- Eligibility LocationMatch #186 (suninthesky)
- Add open_data filter to funds admin #176 (suninthesky)
- Add funds:update rake task and resolve #162 #174 (suninthesky)
- Update funder admin #173 (suninthesky)
- Funder admin #172 (drkane)
- Org type description and resolve #159 #161 (suninthesky)
- Add funder FAQ #158 (suninthesky)
- Funder faq #157 (drkane)
- Update analytics goals and events #156 (suninthesky)
- Update faq with subscription plans #155 (suninthesky)
- Mystery fund when eligible #147 (suninthesky)
- Force SSL and JS on preview page #146 (suninthesky)
- Funding theme preview pages #145 (suninthesky)
- Update conversion tracking #144 (suninthesky)
- Update mailer email tracking #143 (suninthesky)
- Missing subscription plan fix #2 #142 (suninthesky)
- Missing subscription plan fix #141 (suninthesky)
- Resolve #132 and add Google Tag Manager #140 (suninthesky)
- Paid subscription #136 (suninthesky)
- Hotfix #129 #131 (suninthesky)
- Resolve #129 #130 (suninthesky)
- Resolve #124, #125 #127 (suninthesky)
- Resolve #124, #125 #126 (suninthesky)
- Simple update user functionality #123 (suninthesky)
- Update CircleCI config #122 (suninthesky)
- Reinstate admin routes #120 (suninthesky)
- Users can update details of their organisation #118 (suninthesky)
- Resolve #116 #117 (suninthesky)
- Resolve #114 #115 (suninthesky)
- Resolve #111 #112 (suninthesky)
- Refactor proposal paths #110 (suninthesky)
- Resolve #107 and refactor companies house lookup #109 (suninthesky)
- Merge multiple proposals feature #105 (suninthesky)
- Resolve issue #102 #103 (suninthesky)
- Resolve #99 #100 (suninthesky)
- Resolve #96 #97 (suninthesky)
- Eligibility proposals #95 (suninthesky)
- Skip crawler IP's in Rollbar #87 (suninthesky)
- Remove "label" column from districts table #86 (suninthesky)
- Ensure UI updated on scrape success for legacy recipients #85 (suninthesky)
- Resolve #82 #83 (suninthesky)
- Update seeds #80 (suninthesky)
- Legacy recipient must be valid for recommendations #75 (suninthesky)
- Rails5 #55 (suninthesky)