Implemented enhancements:
- ProposalController specs #776
- Add responsive summary of report suitability #764
- Opportunity pages use dynamic colours where present #761
- Make value of card fees explicit on pricing page #744
- Can spot a mistake #736
- Add pagination #735
Fixed bugs:
- Add alt and name attributes to footer logo #811
- Can't save fund record changing from having restrictions to no restrictions #411
Closed issues:
- Complete pending specs #800
- Remove unused styles #777
- Refactor fullscreen layout #774
- Remove unused methods on Fund #772
- Refactor category_name and review shared methods #771
- Remove HashValidator #766
- Adjust assessment links styling #756
- Refactor routes #750
- Remove v3 deployment migrations #749
Merged pull requests:
- v3.2.0 #814 (suninthesky)