[*] (SMB) server message Block is transport protocol and it is widely used for variety purpose such as file sharing ,printer sharing ,and access to remote Windows services.SMB operates over TCP ports 139 and 445.in April 2017 shadow brokers hackers released an SMB vulnerability nameed "EternalBlue";
[*] port scanning is not crime, but after the port scanning and knowing
the versions of services and exploit it is illigal as you can say its a crime.
so always stay legal.this tool scans the ports of sites and provides you to
result the target is vulnerable or not if vulnerable then you can also report
it to deeloper to fix this vulnerability,i am not promotes any illigal activitis
and i am not supports and responsible for your any illigal or malecious activitis
i made this for security purpose to check vulnerabilitis and fix them ..okk
[*] installation and usage:-
cd modules
chmod +x *
cd ..
chmod +x *
./install.sh (it install sudo also.for using sudo your device must be rooted
sudo is not necessary but 1 or 2 packages of this tool requireds
root access but all smb-scanner tool no need root access okk)
now select you option ok.
[*]updating Features :-
i will update with adding some new and interesting feature in this
tool so you need to update this tool in every 2 or 3 week for more
features.to update this tool simply run this command
./update (it will update ok).