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Moodle Plus

A dockerized Moodle 3.2 development environment with containers:

  • nginx
  • PostgreSQL
  • PHP-FPM 5.6
  • Mailcatcher
  • Selenium (for Behat)
  • Built-in web server (for Behat)


  • Docker 17.03.0 (CE)
  • Docker Compose 1.11.2

Build Docker images and run Docker containers

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Install Moodle

Environments with bash

Run the bash initialization script:

. utils/

Environments without bash

The above bash initialization script should work on Windows environments that have bash ("Docker Quickstart Terminal" for "Docker Toolbox") however it won't work in PowerShell (obviously) if using (the newer) "Docker for Windows" (instead of the older "Docker Toolbox"). If using "Docker for Windows", the individual commands in utils/ should be performed manually.


In some Windows environments ("Docker Quickstart Terminal" for "Docker Toolbox") commands that specify a working directory (e.g. -w /var/www/html/moodle) may need an initial double slash (e.g. -w //var/www/html/moodle).

PHP shell

docker-compose exec php bash
php -a

PostgreSQL shell

docker-compose exec pgsql bash
psql -Upostgres

View logs

docker-compose logs -f

Run Moodle cron

docker-compose run --rm -w /var/www/html/vendor/moodle/moodle php php admin/cli/cron.php

Run PHPUnits for a particular plugin

docker-compose run --rm -w /var/www/html/vendor/moodle/moodle php vendor/bin/phpunit --colors=always --testsuite local_todolist_testsuite

Run Behat tests for a particular feature

docker-compose run --rm -w /var/www/html/vendor/moodle/moodle php vendor/bin/behat -c ../../../moodledata/behat/behatrun/behat/behat.yml path/to/feature

Initialize Behat

. utils/

Purge Moodle caches

docker-compose run --rm -w /var/www/html/vendor/moodle/moodle php php admin/cli/purge_caches.php

See available Moodle plugin types

docker-compose run --rm php php utils/plugin_types.php

Lint Moodle PHP code

docker-compose exec php bash
cd /path/to/moodle/plugin
phpcs version.php


Remote debugging with XDebug is possible in PHPStorm and Visual Studio Code.

Debugging in VSCode requires the PHP Debug extension.

To set up source code mapping, add the lines below to the "Listen for XDebug" configuration of a VSCode debugger launch.json file:

"port": 10000,
"localSourceRoot": "${workspaceRoot}/vendor/moodle/moodle",
"serverSourceRoot": "/var/www/html/vendor/moodle/moodle"

PostgreSQL query logging

Inspect the moodleplus_pgdata Docker volume to determine the mountpoint:

docker volume inspect moodleplus_pgdata

Edit the postgresql.conf file to set log_statement = 'all'.

Restart the pgsql container:

docker-compose restart pgsql

View the logs:

docker-compose logs -f

Stop and remove Docker containers

The below will not remove the pgdata Docker volume (thereby ensuring the PostgreSQL database is persisted):

docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f

Uninstall Moodle

The below will remove the pgdata Docker volume (thereby removing the Moodle database):

. utils/