Event-Bridge ---> Lambda(Collects the cost data from cost explorer) ---> S3 && SNS Notification.
Step1:- Create a lambda function & a layer which contains the helper function( gets total cost & service wise cost) and attach that layer to lambda function.
Step2:- Attach the appropriate permissions to lambda for accessing S3, SNS.
Step3:- Schedule a job in the Event-Bridge which triggers the lambda function on daily or monthly basis.
Step4:- Create a S3 bucket for storing the cost-reports for further analysis.
Step5:- Create SNS topic and ultimately put the bucket name, sns arn and other requored information in the lambda code.
Scheduler in the Event-Bridge triggers Lambda, then lambda will collect the total_cost and servicewise_costfor highly costed services from the Cost_explorer. Alert will be sent by SNS if cost exceeds the budget and same will be stored in S3 for further analysis.