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tp TouchPointWP Meeting
Handle meeting content, particularly RSVPs.
- Class name: Meeting
- Namespace: \tp\TouchPointWP
- Parent class: tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable
- This class implements: tp\TouchPointWP\api, tp\TouchPointWP\module, tp\TouchPointWP\hasGeo, tp\TouchPointWP\hierarchical, tp\TouchPointWP\scheduled
const POST_TYPE_WO_PRE = "meeting"
const POST_TYPE = \tp\TouchPointWP\TouchPointWP::HOOK_PREFIX . self::POST_TYPE_WO_PRE
const MEETING_META_KEY = \tp\TouchPointWP\TouchPointWP::SETTINGS_PREFIX . "mtgId"
const MEETING_START_META_KEY = \tp\TouchPointWP\TouchPointWP::SETTINGS_PREFIX . "mtgStartDt"
const MEETING_END_META_KEY = \tp\TouchPointWP\TouchPointWP::SETTINGS_PREFIX . "mtgEndDt"
const MEETING_FEAT_META_KEY = \tp\TouchPointWP\TouchPointWP::SETTINGS_PREFIX . "mtgFeatured"
const MEETING_STATUS_META_KEY = \tp\TouchPointWP\TouchPointWP::SETTINGS_PREFIX . "status"
const MEETING_INV_ID_META_KEY = \tp\TouchPointWP\TouchPointWP::SETTINGS_PREFIX . "mtgInvId"
const STATUS_CANCELLED = "cancelled"
const STATUS_SCHEDULED = "scheduled"
const STATUS_UNKNOWN = "unknown"
const MEETING_LOCATION_META_KEY = \tp\TouchPointWP\TouchPointWP::SETTINGS_PREFIX . "locationName"
public mixed startDt = null
- Visibility: public
public mixed endDt = null
- Visibility: public
mixed tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::registerScriptsAndStyles()
Register scripts and styles to be used on display pages.
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- mixed
\tp\TouchPointWP\Involvement_PostTypeSettings tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::getTypeSettings()
Get the PostTypeSettings object for Meeting Involvements.
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- \tp\TouchPointWP\Involvement_PostTypeSettings -
?\tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable::fromPost(\WP_Post post)
Create relevant objects from a given post
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable
- post WP_Post
- ?\tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable -
int tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::involvementId()
Get the involvement ID (without necessarily instantiating the Involvement)
- Visibility: public
- int -
\tp\TouchPointWP\Involvement tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::involvement()
Get the Involvement object associated with this Meeting.
- Visibility: public
- \tp\TouchPointWP\Involvement -
mixed tp\TouchPointWP\hierarchical::getParent()
Get the parent of this object which may be an object of a different class.
Returns null if there is no parent.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\hierarchical
- mixed -
?string tp\TouchPointWP\scheduled::scheduleString(int objId, mixed obj)
Get a description of the schedule in a human-friendly phrase, e.g. Sunday, March 31 at 2:00pm.
These strings should be cached.
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\scheduled
- objId int* obj mixed - Needs to be of the type that implements this interface.
- ?string -
\tp\TouchPointWP\Utilities\StringableArray tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::scheduleStringArray()
Get the human-readable schedule for the meeting as a string or set of strings in an array.
- Visibility: public
- \tp\TouchPointWP\Utilities\StringableArray -
string[] tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable::notableAttributes(array exclude)
Get notable attributes.
- Visibility: public
- This method is abstract.
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable
- exclude array - Attributes listed here will be excluded. (e.g. if shown for a parent, not needed here.)
- string[] -
\tp\TouchPointWP\Utilities\StringableArray tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable::getActionButtons(string|null context, string btnClass, bool withTouchPointLink, bool absoluteLinks)
- Visibility: public
- This method is abstract.
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable
- context string|null - A string that gives filters some context for where the request is coming from
- btnClass string - HTML class names to put into the buttons/links
- withTouchPointLink bool - Whether to include a link to the item within TouchPoint.
- absoluteLinks bool - Set true to make the links absolute, so they work from apps or emails.
- \tp\TouchPointWP\Utilities\StringableArray -
mixed tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::isFeatured()
- Visibility: public
- mixed
string tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::status()
Get the status of the meeting, in a code-oriented name (for css, etc.)
- Visibility: public
- string -
string|null tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::status_i18n(bool excludeScheduled)
- Visibility: public
- excludeScheduled bool - "Scheduled" is the default (and correct) status for most events. Set this to true to return null instead of "Scheduled".
- string|null -
mixed tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::filterThumbnailId(int|false thumbnail_id, int|\WP_Post|null post)
Filters the post thumbnail ID. Allows meetings to have the image of their parent without having an image themselves.
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- thumbnail_id int|false - Post thumbnail ID or false if the post does not exist.
- post int|WP_Post|null - Post ID or WP_Post object. Default is global
- mixed
bool tp\TouchPointWP\api::api(array uri)
Handle API requests
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\api
- uri array - The request URI already parsed by parse_url()
- bool - False if endpoint is not found. Should print the result.
string tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::getJsInstantiationString()
Get the JS for instantiation.
- Visibility: public
- This method is abstract.
- This method is static.
- string -
int tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable::getTouchPointId()
Gets a TouchPoint item ID number, regardless of what type of object this is.
- Visibility: public
- This method is abstract.
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable
- int -
string tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::getRsvpButton(string btnClass)
- Visibility: public
- btnClass string
- string -
string tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::getRsvpLink(string btnClass)
Get a link to RSVP for the meeting that can be used in emails, apps, or other contexts. This is a link to the RSVP function in WordPress, not an RSVP magic link used in TouchPoint emails.
- Visibility: public
- btnClass string
- string -
bool tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable::postIsType(\WP_Post post)
Indicates if the given post can be instantiated as the given post type.
- Visibility: public
- This method is abstract.
- This method is static.
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable
- post WP_Post
- bool -
bool tp\TouchPointWP\module::load()
Loads the module and initializes the other actions.
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\module
- bool -
mixed tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::init()
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- mixed
string tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::tense()
Indicate the tense of the meeting.
- Visibility: public
- string -
bool tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::isMultiDay()
Indicates if the meeting is multi-day.
- Visibility: public
- bool -
bool tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::isAllDay()
Indicates if the meeting is labeled as all-day.
Currently, TouchPoint doesn't have the capacity for this.
TODO When TouchPoint supports an all-day marker, add it here. #184
- Visibility: public
- bool -
string tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::dateString()
Get the date portion for the meeting start, formatted.
- Visibility: public
- string -
?string tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::startTimeString()
Get the time portion for the meeting start, formatted.
- Visibility: public
- ?string -
?string tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::endTimeString()
Get the time portion for the meeting end, formatted. Null if no end is defined or end is same as start.
- Visibility: public
- ?string -
bool tp\TouchPointWP\hasGeo::hasGeo()
Indicates whether a map of a single item can be displayed.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\hasGeo
- bool -
object|null tp\TouchPointWP\hasGeo::asGeoIFace(string type)
Returns a standardized stdObject, or null if not viable.
Return object properties are lat, lng, human, and type.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\hasGeo
- type string - 'loc' for navigator location, or 'ip' for ip address location
- object|null -
?string tp\TouchPointWP\hasGeo::locationName()
Get the name of the location.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\hasGeo
- ?string -
int tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable::post_id()
Get the Post_id.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable
- int -
\WP_Post|null tp\TouchPointWP\storedAsPost::getPost(bool create)
Get the WP_Post object corresponding to the object.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\storedAsPost
- create bool - Set true if the post should be created if it doesn't exist. This would need to be implemented in each module, and is not implemented in most.
- \WP_Post|null -
string tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable::permalink()
Get the link for the post.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by tp\TouchPointWP\PostTypeCapable
- string -
mixed tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::requireAllObjectsInJs(bool require)
If all objects need to be included in the JS,
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- require bool - Whether all objects should be required. Almost always should be left with the default.
- mixed
object tp\TouchPointWP\Meeting::jsonSerialize()
Get the JS for instantiation.
- Visibility: public
- object -
Documentation generated November 28, 2024 7:32pm.
- Simple RSVP
- People Lists
- Involvements
- Outreach Partners
- SQL & Python Reports
- Events Calendar from Meetings (Beta)
- Events Calendar Plugin Integration (Deprecated)
- tp
- tp\TouchPointWP
- api
- Auth
- CalendarGrid
- EventsCalendar
- ExtraValueHandler
- Geo
- hasGeo
- hierarchical
- Involvement
- Involvement_PostTypeSettings
- InvolvementMembership
- Location
- Meeting
- module
- Partner
- Person
- PostTypeCapable
- RegistrationType
- Report
- Rsvp
- scheduled
- Stats
- storedAsPost
- Taxonomies
- TouchPointWP
- TouchPointWP_AdminAPI
- TouchPointWP_Exception
- TouchPointWP_Settings
- TouchPointWP_Widget
- TouchPointWP_WPError
- updatesViaCron
- Utilities
- tp\TouchPointWP