- Neovim >= v0.9
- ripgrep
- nodejs and npm
- a brain (mandatory)
- xrdb for xresources
Clone repo to your nvim .config
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/TeoBale/my-nvim-config ~/.config/nvim
Add mason to paht. ( Important to install LSP )
# this is for zsh
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin
source ~/.zshrc
Keys | Function |
CTRL h / j / k / l | Moving Window Focus Towards Left/Up/Down/Right |
CTRL b | Open And Close NvimTree |
CTRL f | Format Files With Built In Lsp |
CTRL \ | Open And Close ToggleTerm |
LDR t t | Open And Close ToggleTerm |
z R | Open All Folds |
z M | Close All Folds |
z c | Close Fold Under Cursor |
z o | Open Fold Under Cursor |
Keys | Function |
LDR q q | Exit Neovim |
LDR q w | Save And Exit Neovim |
LDR q s | Save File |
LDR q f | Format File |
LDR q x | Close Current Buffer |
Keys | Function |
LDR f f | Basic File Picker |
LDR f g | Search All Recently Visited Files |
LDR f r | Search File By String |
LDR f c | Cooler Colorscheme Picker |
Keys | Function |
LDR h a | Search For Anywhere in the File |
LDR h c | Search By A Single Character |
LDR h C | Search By Two Characters |
LDR h l | Search By Starting Of Line |
LDR h v | Search Vertically |
LDR h w | Search By Word |
Keys | Function |
LDR G g | Show All The Bookmarks |
LDR G t | Toggle A Boookmark |
LDR G a | Add A Bookmark |
LDR G r | Delete A Bookmark |
Keys | Function |
LDR l l | Open Lazy Dashboard |
LDR l m | Open Mason Dashboard |
LDR l c | Show Available Code Actions |
LDR l s | Open Symbols Outline |
- Make a new color scheme
(copy the default colorscheme and change the colors) - Make a colors file for it
-- /colors/scheme.lua
theme = "scheme",
transparent_background = false
- Set the color scheme in
M.colorscheme = 'pop'
There are two prebuilt styles
- To change the style edit
M.statusstyle = 'minimal' -- minimal | fancy
- Reload Neovim
Credits to: