A web application to control cameras connected through usb.
For supported cameras, please visit this link.
Was tested on Ubuntu 18.04
- Live preview
- Capture image and download (chrome only for now)
- Change camera settings
- Favorite settings (available in live preview)
- Manage timelapses
- Logs
$ source ./setup.sh
- should setup everything.
- to directly source into the python virtualenv.
Otherwise, it's possible to run $ source .venv/bin/activate
after ./setup.sh
- python3.7 python3.7-dev
- gphoto2
- Yepkit/ykush (if you want to use ykush3 board)
Install the python packages from ./requiremenets.txt
$ ./run.sh
- it should start the web app at the port 80 (python required)
The web app should automatically mount the nfs server and transfer the files to it. ./scripts/configs.sh
contains some settings you may want to tweak.
apt install nfs-common inotify-tools
The script used by the web app: ./scripts/run_timelapse_file_transfer.sh
By default, it will wait for any changes in $TIMELAPSE_DIR
and move the files to "${MOUNT_POINT}/${TIMELAPSE_DEST}"
If the nfs server gets disconnected, it will automatically try to mount it again and save any lost files. A lost file - a file that gets transferred to the destination while the server is not mounted, very rare - but possible.
The errors are logged, and it will also send an email about these errors.
Before everything, I would suggest running: sudo su
to run the below commands as sudo.
Actually, the root privileges are required only because of ykush.
This will setup both web app and file transfer.
Run the web app in background:
bash -c 'source .venv/bin/activate && ./run.sh >> out.log 2>&1 &'
The output will be written in out.log.
To stop it:
pkill -f run.sh # Kill all processes containing 'run.sh'
The transfer is now handled by the web app.
This explains how to automatically start the web app at boot.
First, make sure vim
is installed:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install vim
Next, add a root cron job:
sudo crontab -e
Choose vim
(to edit the crontab file through vim text editor).
Now, at the end of the file, add the following:
@reboot cd /home/*/CameraController/ && source .venv/bin/activate && ./run.sh >> out.log 2>&1
Save & exit (esc -> :x
To edit: i
Reboot to see if it works.
Add a cron job (described above). No need for root privileges:
*/10 * * * * curl localhost:80/api/cameras_autodetect
This will send a request to the web app to autodetect cameras every n minutes.