Releases: Test-Account666/ServerSystem
ServerSystem 2.4.4
# Improved paper check
ServerSystem 2.4.3
* Fixed /teleportall
and /disposal
ServerSystem 2.4.2
* Fixed MariaDB connections
ServerSystem 2.4.1
* Fixed /managehomes list
* Fixed command system registering commands when it shouldn't
# Locked some features behind paper as they will not work on Spigot
ServerSystem 2.4.0
+ Added /managehomes
* Fixed floating vanish head for 1.20.5+ (1.20 - 1.20.4 still don't work!)
* Fixed /gamemode
no permission message
* Fixed /serversytem reload
not actually reloading all configs
* Fixed commands like /grindstone
# Changed how commands get registered/managed. This is a breaking change!
# Did some reformatting
# Finally! ServerSystem is no longer multiple MB in size!
ServerSystem 2.3.0
+ Added 1.21 support (Not fully tested yet though)
* Fixed NullPointerException with /gamemode command
* Fixed /ban command issues by rewriting it
* Fixed /mute command issues by rewriting it
# A lot of reformatting again
ServerSystem 2.2.0
* Fixed exception being thrown when using /gamemode
* Fixed exception being thrown when trying to unmute not-muted player
* Fixed exception and falling through the world when using commands like /offlineinvsee
- Removed debug messages from /economy
# De-Duplicated some Economy Code to make it more future proof
ServerSystem 2.1.1
* Fixed multiple commands like /setwarp, /vanish, ...
ServerSystem 2.1.0
* Fix Economy System
# Even more code structure changes
ServerSystem 2.0.1
* Fixed issue with marker file