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Folders and files

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This repo is a work in progress


  • This repo contains config folders for i3 and polybar. To use them copy them to your own computer (home dir) for example ~/git/dotfiles and make symlinks to them using the ln -s command.

Theme supplied

  • The only theme I put in this repo is hack, since I only use that one. The Original sources [ref1] had a buch of other themes. For me, I wanted to keep it as simple as possible so chose for just one theme.


The following two are needed for the polybar icons and text.

  • "JetBrains Mono NL SemiBold" can install using dnf on Fedora (jetbrains-mono-nl-fonts)
  • "Iosevka Nerd Font" you can get this from github user:ryanoasis Copy to ~/.local/share/fonts and run sudo fc-cache -f -v to refresh the font cache.

Optionals (may not need)

The following files and folders are put on this repo but may not need.. Will have to see when I make the clean install on Fedora 37. ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf ~/.config/xfce4/terminal ~/.config/qt5ct ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
