Java application which maintains three-wheeler information in Hatton-Dickoya area.
- Three-Wheelar Information Management System (TIMS) manages Three-Wheelars' information in the Hatton, and Dickoya area.
- I have tried to implement this project based on Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm.
- This system is currently used by Hatton-Dickoya Urban Council.
Project is created with:
- Java 8
- Fork and clone the repository:
Import tims into your IDE
Setup MySQL database by executing queries in
Make sure that you specify correct MySQL properties in
:- Database url in the form jdbc:subprotocol:subname
- Database user name who tries to establish the connection
- Database user's password
Here is the documentation on DriverManager to get MySQL connection.
Please note that this project is done using Java
and have not been tested for support in other versions.
- Some basic diagrams which explains how the project is setup.