- Colombo, Sri Lanka
- https://branded.me/tharaka-madhusanka
- @geekTharaka
This repository contains free labs for setting up an entire workflow and DevOps environment from a real-world perspective in Azure
Implemented digit detector in natural scene using resnet50 and Yolo-v2. I used SVHN as the training set, and implemented it using tensorflow and keras.
A Keras port of Single Shot MultiBox Detector
A 2-CNN pipeline to do both detection (using bounding box regression) and classification of numbers on SVHN dataset.
ECMAScript 6: Feature Overview & Comparison
Pixel-perfect, hand-crafted icons that draw inspiration from Apple iOS 7
Universe: a software platform for measuring and training an AI's general intelligence across the world's supply of games, websites and other applications.
jQuery printing plugin; print specific elements on a page
A JavaScript Typing Animation Library