Cbone is a one-header library to make build files
Note: this is experimental and anything can change at any moment.
The main idea of this is that you only need a C compiler to build a project.
Take a look into this folder for a more detailed overview.
One feature it has is self rebuilding, if the macro REBUILD_SELF
encounters any difference between the executable build file and the source code, it tries to recompile itself.
Here's how to use:
#define CBONE_IMPL
#include "cbone.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
REBUILD_SELF(argc, argv);
CMD(cc, "-o", "main", "main.c", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "-pedantic");
// rest of the build code
return 0;
customizable macros:
: minimum capacity for arrays (customizable)
: assertion method used in errors (customizable)
function macros:
: free a dynamic array.
: push an element to the front of an array
: remove an element on the front of the array.
: push an element at position (adjust others to fit)
: remove an element at position (adjust others to fill)
: gets an element at given position, if the position is greater
than the size, it will give the last element. Otherwise if it underflows the size, the first.
typedef struct {
void *items; // can be a pointer of any type
size_t size; // any integer type, but its better to be a size_t
size_t capacity; // also any integer type
} DynArr;
Any struct with these 3 fields (items, size and capacity) can be used with these macros and also can have more fields.