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1.0.2 - Flow Control and Math

Before you start

We're using console.log a lot in our code, which means our tests need to be a little more complicated. We'll need to mock the console.log function in order to spy on the arguments it's called with. Basically, in order to see that our functions log the right string, we have to replace it with a special jest function that tells us what string it was called with.

Mocks track this info forever by default, so after each test (or even each function call) we need to reset its memory to keep our tests isolated. Check from-scratch.spec.js to see how we use these mocks in practice.

The other big thing this does is remove our console.log for the purpose of debugging. You can easily get around this by using instead. (Did you know there are other log methods? Check out all the log options here)

Other than that, just be very careful about exactly what the test cases are expecting. Outputs must be perfect! "hello there" and "Hello there!" are not equal. And if you're confused about what a question is asking for, check what the tests literally expect. We've included a playground.js file and script, don't forget to install and test frequently!

Good luck!

Question 1: measureRain

Write a function measureRain that takes a single argument, a number inches. It should log a message depending on the number of inches:

  • 0 inches - 'drought'
  • less than 2 inches - 'dry'
  • less than 4 inches - 'average'
  • less than 6 inches - 'rainy'
  • 6 or more inches - 'flood'

Question 2: happyBirthdayPet

Write a function happyBirthdayPet that takes two arguments, a string breed and a number age. It should log a message in the following situations:

  • 'snake', any age - 'Hiss hiss!'
  • 'cat', less than 5 - 'Mew mew!'
  • 'cat', 5 or more - 'Meow meow!'
  • 'dog', less than 5 - 'Arf arf!'
  • 'dog', 5 to less than 10 - 'Woof woof!'
  • 'dog', 10 or more - 'Boof!' By default, just log a message of 'Happy birthday!'

Question 3: funTypes

Write a function funTypes that takes an argument jsType. The type could be one of the following: a string, a number, a boolean, undefined, null, an object, an array, or NaN. It should log a message in the following situations:

  • any string - "That's just some text."
  • any number - "That's a good number."
  • a boolean - "To bool, or not to bool?"
  • undefined - "Nothing, but I didn't set that."
  • null - "Nothing, and I did set that."
  • an object - "Anybody got the key?"
  • an array - "I order you to be indexed."
  • NaN - "Well, now you're just showing off."

Question 4: rounder

Write a function rounder that takes two arguments: a float float and a string roundingSetting. roundingSetting could be only one of 3 values up, down, or honest. It should RETURN an integer based off the following value of roundingSetting:

  • up - the float rounded up
  • down - the float rounded down
  • honest - the float rounded up or down depending on the rounding rules (< .5 round down, >= 5 round up)

Question 5: fizzBuzzish

Write a function fizzBuzzish that takes a single argument: an integer num. It should log a message in the following situations:

  • number is divisible by 3 - 'fizz'
  • number is divisible by 5 - 'buzz'
  • number is divisible by both 3 and 5 - 'fizzBuzz!'
  • number is none of those - just log the number

Note: I'm well aware the solution to this problem is everywhere but solving it is a right of passage. So try to figure it out on your own first, ok? -- Mike

Question 6: MODIFY - wildlyBiasedReview

In modify.js we have the function wildlyBiasedReview that's not currently using a guard clause. Please keep the functionality the same, but use a guard clause.

Question 7: DEBUG - Fix getRandomIntInRange

In debug.js we have the function getRandomIntInRange that isn't quite doing what we want. Instead of taking 2 integers, an inclusive min and exclusive max, and returning a random number in that range, it returns a random number from 0 to the max.

Please fix the function so that it actually operates within the range provided by the arguments.

Question 8: DEBUG - Fix coolnessGauge

In debug.js we have a function called coolnessGauge. It's using a ternary, but it's returning the exact opposite to what we want. Can you fix it by reading what the tests expect?

Question 9: DEBUG - Fix funkoPopAddictionLevel

In debug.js we have the function funkoPopAddictionLevel. It takes an integer numOfFunkoPops and logs out a message of support (or concern). However, no matter what, it just only ever says "No pops? Maybe try one." or "Only a few? Keep having fun!". Please read the tests and make sure all the messages are logged properly.

Question 10: DEBUG - Fix getWeatherReport

In debug.js we have the function getWeatherReport that takes an integer temperature. It's supposed to compile a weatherReport string, log it out, then log 'And that's your report!', and finally return the weatherReport string. But we're getting an error. Can you get the function to work properly without changing its core functionality.

Question 11: DEBUG - fix returnPositiveNegativeZero

Oh man, in debug.js someone tried getting real clever and chaining some ternarys together in returnPositiveNegativeZero. However...the logic is broken and the tests are failing. Can you fix this function and only use 1 ternary (if at all) so that the tests pass?

Bonus: Switch Cases!

You may already be aware of Switch Cases that are an alternative to if/else statements. If the mood strikes you try your hand at the switch versions of measureRainSwitch and rounderSwitch in bonus-switch.js. You can also answer the short answer bonus question about why those two are the only examples that would really work with a switch case.

This is also a good article on switch to check out.


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