Release Notes for v1.0.0
Structural Overhaul: A foundational change to the project's structure has been introduced. This revamp promises a more organized and efficient workflow for developers.
Enhanced Building Capabilities: Introduced the ability to build both the desktop applications through the updated CMakeLists.txt.
GUI Improvements: Significant improvements in the GUI for both server and client. Features include new working window files, title changes, grid layouts, and more.
Visual Enhancements: A more immersive experience with the introduction of features like the changing of the needle to a polygon shape, adjustments in the battery icon, and more.
Communication Enhancements: Implementation of various communication services and classes ensuring smooth communication between client, server, and microcontrollers.
Code Optimization: Multiple refactors and code changes to improve readability, remove redundancies, and improve the overall efficiency of the application.
Audio Features: Turn signal now comes with an audio cue, enhancing the realism of the application.
In this release there are just Linux executable but in future releases there will be also executable files for windows.
Special Mentions:
A warm welcome to our new contributors: @simonahls, @isse89, and @Supraja493. We're thrilled to have you onboard and look forward to your future contributions.
Various bug fixes, UI improvements, and code clean-ups have been done to enhance the overall stability and performance of the application.
Thank you to all contributors, testers, and users for making this release possible! We're excited about the journey ahead and can't wait to see what the future holds for the project.