Here you'll find a collection of my Python projects that I've been working on. From simple scripts to more complex applications, I've put my skills in Python to the test and have created a variety of projects that showcase my abilities.
Getting Started These are the Python projects that I have been working on, you can find the source code of each projectin the diffrent folder.
Prerequisites You need to have Python installed and for some project even Customtkinter or tkinter on your machine in order to run these projects.
Running the projects To run the projects you need to:
clone or download the repository
navigate to the project folder
open the project with your favorite Python editor
run the main script file.
Built With
Python - The programming language
Tkinter library
Cunstomtikinter library
Contributing If you have any feedback or questions, feel free to reach out.
Authors The-R4V3N - Initial work - Your Github
License This project is open-sourced and does not have any license.
Acknowledgments Thank you for visiting my GitHub page.
- 👨💻 All about me is at My Website