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SirRunner committed Aug 20, 2021
1 parent 8792b86 commit d19ecad
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Showing 14 changed files with 48 additions and 22 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion common/defines.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ economy = {
EMPLOYMENT_FIRE_LOWEST = 0.001, -- we Fire pops no slower then x% of total required per day
TRADE_CAP_LOW_LIMIT_LAND = 0, -- the lowest % the slider can go for land units
TRADE_CAP_LOW_LIMIT_NAVAL = 0.3, -- the lowest % the slider can go for naval units
TRADE_CAP_LOW_LIMIT_CONSTRUCTIONS = 0, -- the lowest % the slider can go for constructions
TRADE_CAP_LOW_LIMIT_CONSTRUCTIONS = 1, -- the lowest % the slider can go for constructions
FACTORY_PURCHASE_MIN_FACTOR = 0.75, -- the lowest % of its daily needs a factory will purchase
FACTORY_PURCHASE_DRAWDOWN_FACTOR = 0.025 -- the % a factory will reduce its input purchases each day if it did not sell all its goods (also used for scaling up production if all goods are sold)
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions common/event_modifiers.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -230,6 +230,8 @@ bank_cheats = {

no_points_for_you = {
prestige = -100
min_tariff = 2
min_tax = 1

icon = 14
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion common/static_modifiers.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,6 @@ base_values = {
war = {
max_war_exhaustion = 100 #base max at war.
supply_consumption = -0.5
#war_exhaustion = 0.1
badboy = -0.033

Expand Down
41 changes: 31 additions & 10 deletions decisions/World Bank.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
# Time Specific Event Firing
# Good/Evil Clean Up
# Leave FOR Alone
# Government Flags Clean Up }
# Government Flags Clean Up
# AI Cheats }

# Starting Decision
political_decisions = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,15 +32,6 @@ political_decisions = {
# For settings
set_global_flag = no_soldier_chosen

# For Substates (substates are not meant to be playable)
any_country = {
limit = { is_substate = yes }
add_country_modifier = {
name = no_points_for_you
duration = -1

# For Good Realms
any_country = {
limit = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -793,4 +785,33 @@ political_decisions = {

# AI Cheats
political_decisions = {
help_ai_with_money = {
potential = {
tag = FOR
any_neighbor_country = {
NOT = { money = 25000 }
ai = yes
war = no
money = 25000

allow = {}

effect = {
treasury = -25000
random_country = {
limit = {
NOT = { money = 25000 }
ai = yes
war = no
treasury = 25000
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion history/countries/BLU - Ered Luin.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ government = monarchy
nationalvalue = generic_leader
literacy = 0.30
civilized = yes

prestige = 50
ruling_party = generic_high_nobility

upper_house = {
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions history/countries/IML - Realm of Imladris.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ religion = elven
government = lord_monarchy
nationalvalue = elrond
civilized = yes
prestige = 60

ruling_party = generic_high_nobility

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions history/countries/MOR - Morocco.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ government = sauron_dictatorship
nationalvalue = sauron
literacy = 0
civilized = yes
prestige = 80

decision = mordor_start_decision

Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions localisation/__VANILLA_TEXT.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3529,14 +3529,12 @@ POP_DAILY_EXPENSES;Expenses:
POP_DAILY_EVENTS;Events: �Y$VAL$�W?�v�n�ments : �Y$VAL$�W?Ereignisse: �Y$VAL$�W?;Sucesos: �Y$VAL$�W?;;;;;;;;x;;;;
POP_DAILY_PROJECT;Projects: �Y$VAL$�W?Projets : �Y$VAL$�W?Projekte: �Y$VAL$�W?;Proyectos: �Y$VAL$�W?;;;;;;;;x;;;;
POP_DAILY_BANK;Deposited in bank: �Y$VAL$�W?Banque nationale : �Y$VAL$�W?Nationalbank: �Y$VAL$�W?;Depositado en el banco: �Y$VAL$�W?;;;;;;;;x;;;;
UNIT_PRICE;Unit price: �Y$VAL$�W?Prix unitaire : �Y$VAL$�W?Einheitspreis: �Y$VAL$�W?;Precio por unidad: �Y$VAL$�W?;;;;;;;;x;;;;
AVAILABLE_IN_BANK;Savings in bank: �Y$VAL$�W?�pargne bancaire : �Y$VAL$�W?Ersparnisse in der Bank: �Y$VAL$�W?;Ahorros en el banco: �Y$VAL$�W?;;;;;;;;x;;;;
PV_PROMOTIONS;Promotions:;Promotions :;Bef�rderungen:;;Promociones:;x
POP_NO_POPS_OF_TYPE;No pops of this type;Aucun groupe d�mographique (POP) pour ce type;Keine Bev. dieses Typs;;No hay POB de este tipo;x
PROVINCEVIEW_RGOOWNER;State RGO owner presence: �Y$VALUE$% $TYPE$�W;Pr�sence de propri�taires d'EAM dans l'�tat : �Y$TYPE$ $VALUE$ %�W;RGO-Besitzerpr�senz im Staat: �Y$VALUE$% $TYPE$�W;;Presencia de propietarios en el TOR del estado: �Y$VALUE$% de $TYPE$�W;;;;;;;x;;;;;;
PROVINCEVIEW_ADMIN;State administrative efficiency: �Y$VALUE$%�W;Efficacit?administrative de l'�tat : �Y$VALUE$%�W;Verwaltungseffizienz des Staates: �Y$VALUE$%�W;;Eficiencia administrativa del estado: �Y$VALUE$%�W;x
PROVINCEVIEW_LIFERATING;Province liferating: �Y$VALUE$�W;Habitabilit?de la province : �Y$VALUE$�W;Provinz-Lebensqualit�t: �Y$VALUE$�W;;Calidad de vida en la provincia: �Y$VALUE$�W;x
PROVINCEVIEW_GOODSINCOME;Sold �Y$GOODS$�W for �Y$VALUE$�W?yesterday;Hier, vente de �Y$GOODS$�W pour �Y$VALUE$�W?Gestern �Y$GOODS$�W f�r �Y$VALUE$�W?verkauft;;Ayer se vendi? �Y$GOODS$�W por �Y$VALUE$�W?;;;;;;;;x;;;;
PROVINCEVIEW_EMPLOYMENT;Current employees in RGO �Y$VALUE$�W;Employ�s actuels des EAM �Y$VALUE$�W;Momentane Besch�ftigten in RGO �Y$VALUE$�W;;Empleados actuales del TOR: �Y$VALUE$�W;x
PROVINCEVIEW_CRIMEFIGHT;Province crime fighting rate �Y$VALUE$%�W;Taux de lutte contre le crime de la province �Y$VALUE$%�W;Provinz-Verbrechensbek�mpfungsrate �Y$VALUE$%�W;;Tasa de lucha contra el crimen en la provincia: �Y$VALUE$%�W;x
PROVINCEVIEW_REVOLTRISK;Province revoltrisk$VALUE$;Risque de r�volte de la province $VALUE$;Provinz-Revoltenrisiko$VALUE$;;Riesgo de revuelta en la provincia: $VALUE$;x
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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions localisation/__VANILLA_TEXT_ANSI.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1367,13 +1367,9 @@ TRADE_FLOW_MILITARY_SUPPLY;Military Consumption;Consommation militaire;Militaris
TRADE_FLOW_CURRENT_PRICE;Current Price:;Prix courant :;Derzeitiger Preis:;;;;;;;;;;;x
TRADE_FLOW_PART_OF_WORLD_PROD;�Y$PERC$%�W of world production.;�Y$PERC$ %�W de la production mondiale.;�Y$PERC$%�W der Weltproduktion.;;;;;;;;;;;x
EMIGRATION_AT_PROVINCE_TOOLTIP;(�R$TOTALEMI$?) �YEmigrations to:?\n$EMILIST$\n(�G$TOTALIMM$?) �YImmigrations from:?\n$IMMLIST$;(�R$TOTALEMI$?) �YEmigration vers ?\n$EMILIST$\n(�G$TOTALIMM$?) �YImmigration de ?\n$IMMLIST$;(�R$TOTALEMI$?) �YAuswanderer nach:?\n$EMILIST$\n(�G$TOTALIMM$?) �YEinwanderer von:?\n$IMMLIST$;;;;;;;;;;;x
NO_MIGRATIONS_FOUND1_TOOLTIP;Province belongs to: �Y$COUNTRY$?;La Province appartient a?: �Y$COUNTRY$?;Provinz gehort zu: �Y$COUNTRY$?;;;;;;;;;;;x
NO_MIGRATIONS_FOUND2_TOOLTIP;No migration between countries has been noticed.;Aucune migration relevee entre pays;Es konnte keine Abwanderung zwischen Landern festgestellt werden.;;;;;;;;;;;x
NO_MIGRATIONS_FOUND3_TOOLTIP;(Select province to see details);(Selectionner une province pour voir les details);(Fur weitere Details, wahle eine Provinz);;;;;;;;;;;x
PROVINCE_VIEW_BUILD_ALL_TOOLTIP;(Click + CTRL to build in all provinces in state);(Clic + Ctrl pour construire dans toutes les provinces de l'Etat);(Klick + CTRL, um in allen Provinzen des Staates zu bauen);;;;;;;;;;;x
EMIGRATION_ENTRY_TOOLTIP;�R$NUM$? to �Y$PROV$?;�R$NUM$? vers �Y$PROV$?;�R$NUM$? nach �Y$PROV$?;;;;;;;;;;;x
IMMIGRATION_ENTRY_TOOLTIP;�G$NUM$? from �Y$PROV$?;�G$NUM$? de �Y$PROV$?;�G$NUM$? von �Y$PROV$?;;;;;;;;;;;x
CB_GENERATION_SPEED_BONUS_ON_COLONY_COMPETITION;Competing with �Y$COUNTRY$? for colonizing �Y$REGION$?, speed bonus �Y$BONUS$?.;Competition avec �Y$COUNTRY$? pour coloniser �Y$REGION$?, bonus de vitesse de �Y$BONUS$?.;Tretet gegen �Y$COUNTRY$? an, um �Y$REGION$? Zu kolonisieren, Geschwindigkeitsbonus �Y$BONUS$?.;;;;;;;;;;;x
CB_GENERATION_BONUS_TOOLTIP;The CB generation speed bonus �Y$BONUS$? between competing countries: �Y$COUNTRIES$?;Bonus de vitesse de generation des CB de �Y$BONUS$? entre les pays concurrents : �Y$COUNTRIES$?;Der CB Generationen-Geschwindigkeitsbonus �Y$BONUS$? bei einem Kampf zwischen: �Y$COUNTRIES$?;;;;;;;;;;;x
CB_GENERATION_BONUS_TROOPS_PRESENCE_TOOLTIP;(�Y$BONUS$? for presence of opponents troops);(�Y$BONUS$? du fait de la presence de troupes ennemies);(�Y$BONUS$? fur die Anwesenheit gegnerischer Truppen);;;;;;;;;;;x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1668,7 +1664,6 @@ NUMBER_MOVEMENT_SUPPORTERS_DESC;The larger the movement the harder it is to supp
CAN_NATIONALIZE;Have foreign investors;Avoir des investisseurs etrangers;Besitzt Investoren aus dem Ausland;;;;;;;;;;;x
IS_NOT_IN_A_SPHERE;Not in a sphere of influence;Pas dans une sphere d'influence;Nicht in einem Einflussbereich;;;;;;;;;;;x
RELATION_BETWEEN;Current relation between $COUNTRY1$ and $COUNTRY2$: $RELATION$;Relation actuelle entre $COUNTRY1$ et $COUNTRY2$ : $RELATION$;Derzeitige Beziehungen zwischen $COUNTRY1$ und $COUNTRY2$: $RELATION$;;;;;;;;;;;x
ADD_RELATIVE_INCOME_EFFECT;Treasury: $VALUE$?;Tresor : $VALUE$ ?;Schatzkammer: $VALUE$?;;;;;;;;;;;x
CORRUPTION_LESS_THAN;Corruption less than ;Corruption inferieure a ;Korruption unter;;;;;;;;;;;x
CORRUPTION_MORE_THAN;Corruption more than ;Corruption superieure a ;Korruption uber;;;;;;;;;;;x
MOVEMENT_RADICALISM_FROM_SIZE;Population support: $VAL$ ;Soutien populaire : $VAL$ ;Unterstutzung der Bevolkerung: $VAL$;;;;;;;;;;;x
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions localisation/common.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,3 +34,4 @@ COLONIZE_NOT_GP_OR_SECONDARY;Only
CANT_CREATE_PROTECTORATE_COST;You need to have �Y$VALUE$�! free colonial power points to create a protectorate.;x
ACTIVATE_TECH_EFFECT;Activate technology: �Y$NAME$�!;x
REFORM_RESEARCH_COST;Research Cost: �Y$COST$�!;RCout de recherche: ?$COST$?;Forschungskosten: ?$COST$?;;;;;;;;;;;x
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions localisation/decisions.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -406,6 +406,8 @@ noble_autonomy_flag_clean_up_title;Noble Autonomy Flag Clean Up;x
noble_autonomy_flag_clean_up_desc;Something has gone wrong with the noble autonomy country flags. This decision will fix it.;x
non_accepted_slavery_clean_up_title;Non-Accepted Slavery Clean Up;x
non_accepted_slavery_clean_up_desc;A realm has recently changed its slavery laws and may need some of its slaves turned into labourers.;x
help_ai_with_money_title;Help AI with Money;x
help_ai_with_money_desc;The AI sucks at money management. Let's give them some money to help them out.;x
##############################;x }
##### RENAMING DECISIONS #####;x {
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions localisation/economy.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ STOCKPILE_COST_ACTUAL;Today we
INVEST_PROJECT_TITLE;Invest into project: $Y$PROJ$$! at $Y$LOC$$!;x
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion localisation/events.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ EVTDESC29000;This event is here to inform you of the changes that have occurred
EVTDESC29001;The economy of vanilla Victoria II is build around a industrializing world. Middle Earth is the equivalent of a Middles Ages world. As such, the economics of the mod should match.\n\nOne of the major focuses is industrialization, and factories are a key point in that step. Middle Earth did not have factories. However, they did have guilds, which have replaced factories\n\nThere are 15 guilds in the game, one for each non-RGO good, with the following two exceptions:\n\nThere are two types of �MFabric Guilds�!: One that uses wool, and another that uses cotton.\n�MBurning Pits�!, which turn timber into coal.;x
EVTDESC29002;There are 26 goods in the mod, compared to the 48 in vanilla. Most goods were produced everywhere. A smaller amount of goods helps to approximate this. The following is a list of new goods:\n\n�MAdministrative Services�!: This good is only seen in capitals of countries. It is a special good that is directly converted to money meant to represent that adminstrative importance of capitals that is not shown in vanilla.\n�MCut Stone�!: This good is a building good, akin to lumber. It is made in the Masonry from rock and is used in (almost) every building.\n�MFood�!: Food is exactly what it suggests to be: food. It is a combination of Fruit, Grain, Fish, Cattle and Canned Food. It is needed by all POPs and military units.\n�MHorses�!: Horses also is exactly what it sounds like. It is needed by some POPs and all cavalry units.\n�MMelee Gear�!: Melee Gear is akin to all military goods that are not Canned Food in vanilla. It is needed by Nobles, Knights and Soldiers in addition to all non-ranged military units.\n�MRanged Gear�!: Ranged Gear, like Melee Gear, is a military good akin to all military goods in vanilla that are not Canned Food. It is needed by Nobles, Knights, Bureaucrats and Soldiers, as well as Horse Archers and Archers.;x
EVTDESC29003;There have been some significant changes to military in this mod. First of all, Middle Earth did not really have the idea of mobilizing the poor. However, they did have raise militias, conscripting them into military service. As such, mobilization has been replaced with raising the militias. Additionally, the military units have been completely reworked. There are 8 total units: 3 infantry, 3 mounted and 2 support.\n\n�MLevies�! are the weakest troop. They are the unit that is mobilized. However, they are also the only unit that can be recruited from non-accepted cultures.\n�MSwordsmen�! are the standard main line infantry. They have average stats, and are useful in any combat scenario. \n�MPikemen�! are elite defensive infantry. They suffer on the offensive, but there is no trainable troop more defensive.\n�MScouts�! are the fastest trainable troop, and the only troop that provides recon. They are rather weak in combat: slightly stronger than levies but definitely weaker than swordsmen.\n�MHorse Archers�! are mounted support troops. Regardless of where they are, they do full damage. Additionally, they are faster than average, making them a rather versatile unit.\n�MHeavy Cavalry�! is the prime offensive unit. They have the highest attack of any trainable unit, and are faster than average.\n�MArchers�!, like artillery in vanilla, are rather useless on the front lines. However, when they are in the back lines of combat, their damage dramatically increases, making them one of the large damage dealers.\n�MArtillery�! is a rather weak unit, compared to Archers, Heavy Cavalry and Pikemen. However, they are the only trainable unit that provides siege.;x
EVTDESC29004;There have been numerous changes to politics in this mod. The most obvious is the reforms. They have been almost completely redone - political reforms are still called political reforms. However, social reforms are now called Burgher reforms.\n\nAdditionally, the Upper House and political parties have been renamed. The Upper House is now representative of your ruler's advisors. A good ruler would not implement any reforms without the support of a modicum of their advisors.\n\nPolitical Parties are now called interest groups - the ruler may wield power, but different groups attempt to influence them. Generally speaking, there will not be more than one interest group of any given ideology. The interest group in government will be called the leading interest group.\n\nAll of the ideologies in vanilla have been cut. Instead, the ideologies represent groups attempting to get the attention of the ruler. There are 7 ideologies: �MThe State�!, representing those who are directly involved in the government, �MServants�!, representing those who blindly follow what the ruler wants, �MHigh Nobility�!, representing the wealthiest and most influential nobles, �MLow Nobility�!, representing the rest of the nobles, �MBurgher�!, representing all of the wealthy guild owners and merchentmen, �MLoremaster�!, representing the intellectuals in the realm and �MFundamentalist�!, representing those who wish for nothing to change.;x
EVTDESC29004;There have been numerous changes to politics in this mod. The most obvious is the reforms. They have been almost completely redone - political reforms are still called political reforms. However, social reforms are now called Burgher reforms.\n\nAdditionally, the Upper House and political parties have been renamed. The Upper House is now representative of your ruler's advisors. A good ruler would not implement any reforms without the support of a modicum of their advisors.\n\nPolitical Parties are now called interest groups - the ruler may wield power, but different groups attempt to influence them. Generally speaking, there will not be more than one interest group of any given ideology. The interest group in government will be called the leading interest group.\n\nAll of the ideologies in vanilla have been cut. Instead, the ideologies represent groups attempting to get the attention of the ruler. There are 6 ideologies: �MServants�!, representing those who blindly follow what the ruler wants, �MHigh Nobility�!, representing the wealthiest and most influential nobles, �MLow Nobility�!, representing the rest of the nobles, �MBurgher�!, representing all of the wealthy guild owners and merchentmen, �MLoremaster�!, representing the intellectuals in the realm and �MFundamentalist�!, representing those who wish for nothing to change.;x
EVTDESC29005;In addition to changing all of the military units, how a realm gets their generals and admirals has been reworked. Instead of using leadership to hire military leaders, there are now decisions to get them (�GRecruit Generals�! and �GRecruit Admirals�!).\n\nThis allows there to be unique generals with �Munique�! traits - traits that only they or select few have. Generally speaking, a realm's best military leaders will be the unique ones that they get from their flavor.;x
EVTDESC29006;In addition to the ideology changes that have occurred, national values have been completely reworked. Instead of being a country's national value, they are now realm leaders. As such, each unique one (that isn't a "Generic" leader) has flavor associated with their agenda. Each realm with unique leaders has a list of what leaders they have access to.\n\nFinally, in addition to the realm leaders, each leader has different traits given to them via flavor, or a player's choices. �MIn other words, the traits that a leader has is dynamic�!*\n\n* Dynamic traits is still a work in progress;x
EVTDESC29007;Welcome and thanks for playing The Third Age! Before playing, there's a couple people the mod team would like to have recognized:\n\n�GModders�!\nSirRunner\nDerpAnarchist\nCheese/s-williams\n\n�GLoremasters�!\nJorde\n\n�GAdvisors�!\nRadsterman;x
Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion localisation/pops.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
##### BASIC POPS TEXT #####;x {
TOPBAR_POPULATION;Our total population is $CURR$. Our total population has changed by $CHANGE$ in last ?$DAYS$ days.;x
TOPBAR_POPULATION;Our total population is $CURR$. Our total population has changed by $CHANGE$ in last $DAYS$ days.;x
EMIGRATION_AT_PROVINCE_TOOLTIP;(�R$TOTALEMI$�!) �YEmigrations to:�!\n$EMILIST$\n(�G$TOTALIMM$�!) �YImmigrations from:�!\n$IMMLIST$;x
UNIT_PRICE;Unit price: �R$VAL$�!;x
###################;x }
##### POPTYES #####;x {
Expand Down

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