A Epic OwO Bot Selfbot, which can bypass ban by solving any captcha [ web or imagetotext ]
- Auto Hunt
- Auto Battle
- Auto Pray
- Auto Level Up
- Auto Daily
- Auto Sell
- Auto Slot
- Auto CoinFlip
- Auto Use OwO Commands
- Auto Cookie
- Auto HuntBot
- Multiple Channel Support With Custom Time
- Auto Captcha Solve ( uses captcha solvers )
- Webhook Notifier ( about captcha , funds, dailies, huntbot)
- Logging [ OwOCash, Dailies, captcha solves,
webhooks Etc]
- Auto Use Gems
- AutoLootboxes
- Host Privately ( as it has token stored in json file on public host anyone can access it )
- Run In A Alt Account ( as sb against discord tos )
- Use The Account In single srvr ( having multiple servers the script may get conflict by detecting others user captchas )
- Use A Well Level up acc for more profit ( battle team with good weapons and gems )
- Pay Attention To Webhook Logs
- Join Our Community For Support
- Axe NukerZ
git clone https://github.com/TheAxes/Advance-Auto-Owo.git
cd Advance-Auto-Owo
change settings in config.json
pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py
Consider Donating Me For Appreciation
Ltc: LSpfN7jD67NwE2356mGcXudybxTR6ZHFdY
want another payment method for donating letme know on discord