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Houska02 edited this page Aug 22, 2023 · 18 revisions


This plugin allows you to create tags for players. The player can then choose a tag to which he has permission. Tags are selected from menu that will show after executing command /tag. This plugin is very easy to set up and offers a lot of configurable options. You can easily create a new tag in-game.

What is tag?

Tag can be a text that appears, for example, before a players's name. Player can select special tag from menu and in Tags.yml you are setting items (that will appear in menu) and tag formats.

Tag showcase Tag showcase Tag showcase
(click on a image to see an example)


  • TheAPI
  • Optional:
    • PlaceholderAPI - In our plugins, you do not need the PlaceholderAPI plugin to use our placeholders, but in other plugins, you do need this plugin 😝
    • ServerControlReloaded - Our plugin that supports HEX and Gradient colours in chat


  • Great colours! You can create a tag with Hex and Gradient colours (Now only for ServerControlReloaded chat)
  • Translatable and fully customizable items in GUI
  • Customizable messages, commands, and sound when you select a tag
  • Customizabĺe tag item in GUI. You can create a custom head or item with a custom name and lore. Or you can just have the default item (Config.yml)
  • Plugin supports HeadDatabase heads!
  • Active development


  • /Tags Help - Prints these messages
  • /Tags - Open GUI
  • /Tags Reload - Reload configs
  • /Tags Create - Create new tag​


Main - Can be edited in Config.yml. Default: amazingtags.command
Reload - amazingtags.reload
Create - amazingtags.create
Tag permission - In Config.yml. Default: amazingtags.tag.%tagname%​


Placeholder Description
%amazingtags_tag_format% Tag's format from Tags.yml
%amazingtags_tag_info Tag's information text
%amazingtags_tag_name% Tag's name, used path name or special 'name' setting
%amazingtags_tag_status% Tag's status
