- Pre-engagement
- Interactions
- Intelligence Gathering
- Threat Modeling
- Vulnerability Analysis
- Exploitation
- Post Exploitation
- Reporting
Write an agreement (out of prison card)
- Scope
- Timeframe
- Ransomeware
- DDoS
- Social engineering
See tools page
- camera linksys inurl:main.cgi
- intitle:"toshiba network camera - User login"
- ext:php
- "SquirrelMail vesion 1.4" inurl:src ext:php
- intitle:"Welcome to Windows Small Business Server 2003"
- ext:pwd inurl:(service|authors|administrators|users) "# - Frontpage"
- intitle:"index of /" password.txt
- https://www.exploit-db.com/ - Exploit DB
- https://www.mend.io/vulnerability-database/ - Vulns DB
- https://cve.mitre.org/data/refs/refmap/source-OSVDB.html - OSVDB to CVE
- https://www.shodan.io/ - Connected devices
Go to https://<ip>:10000/
enum4linux -a <ip> >> /kali-share/enum4linux-<ip>.txt
See the training page
sudo nmap -sX <ip> -p<port>
For UDP use -sU
sudo nmap -sN <ip> -p<port>
For UDP use -sU
Search also: smb