LDAP Util is a Go helper utility app, to test you can bind to an LDAP server using the given username and password.
It should be run with your flix config.yml
file in the same directory; alternatively, you can optionally provide the
full path to the config file (this second option is shown below).
It will use the LDAP settings in the config to attempt to connect, bind, authenticate and search for groups.
$ ./ldap-utils --config-file=/home/ben/flix/flix-server/config.yml
This test application will read and output all LDAP data from your Flix config file. This may include sensitive passwords. Do you wish to continue? [y/N] y
Loading config from /home/ben/flix/flix-server/config.yml
Loaded config: {{dc=flix,dc=local admin uid=cgornea,ou=Users,dc=flix,dc=local {ou=Groups,dc=flix,dc=local (objectClass=posixGroup) uid memberUid cn flix_ } 389 false true {ou=Users,dc=flix,dc=local (objectClass=organizationalPerson) uid givenName} false}}
Attempting to dial the LDAP server at
✓ Connected to LDAP Server
Please enter the username you'd like to log into the LDAP server with: ben
Please enter the password you'd like to log into the LDAP server with. Note: this value will be printed to the console and may be output during the testing process: admin
Will log into the LDAP server as ben:admin
Attempting to bind on LDAP server
Self auth is set to false, will attempt to bind with bind user set in config
✓ Established bind user - uid=cgornea,ou=Users,dc=flix,dc=local:admin
✓ Bind Complete
Searching for LDAP Users
DN: ou=Users,dc=flix,dc=local
Filter: (&(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(uid=ben))
Attributes [dn cn uid displayName mail ou givenName]
Binding as returned user to verify credentials - uid=ben,ou=Users,dc=flix,dc=local:admin
Got user details:
Username: ben
CN: Ben Cragg
Display name:
UserSearchNameAttr set, overriding display name to Ben
Finding users groups, user search attr: ben
Searching for LDAP groups:
BaseDN: ou=Groups,dc=flix,dc=local
Filter: (&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=ben))
Attributes: [cn]
Found 3 groups for user
✓ Got group names: [foundry flix_foundry foundry_flix]
Closing connection to LDAP server
✓ Finished.