Total rebalance/rework of Killing Floor 1. Added new guns, perk, game mods, server-side achievements, and more.
You can view complete changelog here.
- Featuring eXpert Challenge Mode (XCM).
- Featuring Social Isolation Mod.
- New perks: Gunslinger and Combat Medic.
- Balances weapons and perks, making each perk useful in the game.
- Perk levels up to 70 but no grinding required! Perk bonus levels automatically adjust to the game difficulty and player count always to bring a balanced gameplay experience while allowing perk progression (making e-penis bigger).
- Perk bonuses for custom weapons (the ones you get from Workshop)
- New weapons: Golden M79 Incendiary, Napalm Thrower, Laser Dual-MK23, etc.
- Medic Grenade Launchers: M79M Medic GL, M4-203M Medic Rifle.
- Tactical Reload for Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, SMG, and pistols.
- Quick Melee Bash
- Chainsaw consumes fuel and brings real massacre to the game.
- Changing gun skins "on-the-fly", e.g., switch from the regular to golden AK-47 on a key press.
- 30 game modes (some require ScrN Brutal KF Bundle)
- Enhanced server-side zed hitboxes (less wonky headshots)
- More than 400 achievements.
Most features are configurable (turn on only what you like).
- Configurable spawn inventory and weapon prices.
- Cool HUD
- Manual Reloading
- Grenade "Cooking"
- Show Damage Numbers
- User-defined soundtrack.
- Voting to end trader time, boost zed spawn, etc.
- Configurable max zeds at once on the map. Now you can raise the previously hardcoded value of 32 zeds and fight against a 100-zed crowd!
- Server Perks 7.50.
- ScrN Shared.
- ScrN SP.
- ScrN Voting Handler.
- ScrN Packages (included in ScrN Brutal KF Bundle):
- Animations\ScrnAnims.ukx
- Sounds\ScrnSnd.uax
- StaticMeshes\ScrnSM.usx
- Textures\ScrnAch_T.utx
- Textures\ScrnTex.utx
- Textures\TSC_T.utx
For other ScrN based packages you can check this dependency diagram.
- Download ScrN Brutal KF Bundle.
- Detailed info on the ScrN Balance News Page.
- A guide on how to use custom weapons with this mutator.
- Any questions about this mod should be posted on ScrN Balance Steam Group Forums. Your feedback is more than welcome!
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