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Using the FrameNotifySink and software trigger

TIS-Stefan edited this page Dec 16, 2022 · 2 revisions

IC Imaging Control 3.5

This sample shows, how to use the FrameNotifySink and the software trigger.

The project

Create a new Console project using .NET Framework up to version 4.8. Then add "System.Windows.Forms" and "IC Imaging Control" to the references.


Create the usings:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using TIS.Imaging;

The Listener

The Listener will be passed to the FrameNotifySink. Its FrameReceived member function will be called each time a new frame arrives automatically.

        class Listener : IFrameNotificationSinkListener
            private System.Threading.AutoResetEvent frameAcquiredEvent;

            public Listener(System.Threading.AutoResetEvent frameAcquiredEvent)
                this.frameAcquiredEvent = frameAcquiredEvent;

            public void SinkConnected(FrameType frameType) { }
            public void SinkDisconnected() { }
            public void FrameReceived(IFrame frame)
                // do something with frame
                // Set the event for main thread, so the
                // next trigger can be pushed.

An image processing can be done in the FrameReceived member function. The frame is deleted when FrameReceived ends.

The main function

      static void Main(string[] args)
           ICImagingControl ic = new ICImagingControl();
           var frameAcquiredEvent = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false);
           var listener = new Listener(frameAcquiredEvent);
           // Create the sink
           var sink = new FrameNotificationSink(listener);
           ic.Sink = sink;

           // Open a video capture device

           // Disable automatics
           var autoprop = ic.VCDPropertyItems.Find<VCDSwitchProperty>(VCDGUIDs.VCDID_Exposure, VCDGUIDs.VCDElement_Auto);
           if (autoprop != null)
               autoprop.Switch = false;

           autoprop = ic.VCDPropertyItems.Find<VCDSwitchProperty>(VCDGUIDs.VCDID_Gain, VCDGUIDs.VCDElement_Auto);
           if (autoprop != null)
               autoprop.Switch = false;

           autoprop = ic.VCDPropertyItems.Find<VCDSwitchProperty>(VCDGUIDs.VCDID_WhiteBalance, VCDGUIDs.VCDElement_Auto);
           if (autoprop != null)
               autoprop.Switch = false;

           // Enable the trigger mode
           var triggermode = ic.VCDPropertyItems.Find<VCDSwitchProperty>(VCDGUIDs.VCDID_TriggerMode, VCDGUIDs.VCDElement_Value);
           if (triggermode != null)
               triggermode.Switch = true;
               Console.WriteLine("Ups, no trigger mode?");

           // Get software trigger property
           var softtrigger = ic.VCDPropertyItems.Find<VCDButtonProperty>(VCDGUIDs.VCDID_TriggerMode, VCDGUIDs.VCDElement_SoftwareTrigger);

           // Now push the software trigger and wait for the `frameAcuiredEvend' 
           for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)