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Updates a list of JumpCloud MSP organizations from a CSV file created using the New-JCMSPImportTemplate function.
Update-JCMSPFromCSV [-CSVFilePath] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
Update-JCMSPFromCSV [-CSVFilePath] <String> [-force] [-ProviderID <String>]
The Update-JCMSPFromCSV function does data validation when updating JumpCloud Organizations in bulk from a CSV file to warn the administrator of any potential issues during the import process. Examples of warnings include warning messages for organizations whose name already exists and duplicate organization names in the CSV file.
The Update-JCMSPFromCSV command can be used to update organization names and max user counts.
The Update-JCMSPFromCSV command also has a '-force' parameter which admins can use to skip the gui validation or to use the function in an automation script.
PS C:\> Update-JCMSPFromCSV ./JCMSPUpdateImport_06-14-2023.csv
Updates MSP orgs from the .csv file 'JCMSPUpdateImport_06-14-2023.csv'
PS C:\> Update-JCMSPFromCSV ./JCMSPUpdateImport_06-14-2023.csv -Force
Uses the 'Force' parameter to skip the GUI and data validation and update MSP orgs from the file 'JCMSPUpdateImport_06-14-2023.csv
The full path to the CSV file you wish to import. You can use tab complete to search for .csv files.
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
A SwitchParameter which suppresses the GUI and data validation when using the Update-JCMSPFromCSV command.
Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: force
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Your Provider ID
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: force
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
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Import and Backup
- Get JCAssociation
- New JCImportTemplate
- Import JCUsersFromCSV
- Update JCUsersFromCSV
- Get JCBackup
- Send JCPasswordReset
- Backup JCOrganization
RADIUS Reply Attributes
- Add JCRadiusReplyAttribute
- Get JCRadiusReplyAttribute
- Update JCUsersFromCSV
- Set JCRadiusReplyAttribute
- Remove JCRadiusReplyAttribute
User Functions
Administrator Functions
System Functions
- Get JCSystem
- Get JCSystemApp
- Get JCSystemKB
- Set JCSystem
- Remove JCSystem
- Get JCSystemUser
- Set JCSystemUser
- Add JCSystemUser
- Remove JCSystemUser
Command Functions
- New JCCommand
- Get JCCommand
- Import JCCommand
- Remove JCCommand
- Set JCCommand
- Invoke JCCommand
- New JCDeploymentTemplate
- Invoke JCDeployment
- Get JCCommandResult
- Remove JCCommandResult
- Get JCCommandTarget
- Add JCCommandTarget
- Remove JCCommandTarget
Group Functions
- Get JCGroup
- New JCUserGroup
- Remove JCUserGroup
- Get JCUserGroupMember
- Add JCUserGroupMember
- Remove JCUserGroupMember
- New JCSystemGroup
- Remove JCSystemGroup
- Get JCSystemGroupMember
- Add JCSystemGroupMember
- Remove JCSystemGroupMember
- Set-JCUserGroupLDAP
Policy Functions
- Get JCPolicy
- Get JCPolicyResult
- Get JCPolicyTargetSystem
- Get JCPolicyTargetGroup
- New JCPolicy
- Set JCPolicy
Event Functions
Report Functions