Battle game (a small game with a web interface about the battle of heroes in the style of old-school browser games)
Project developed by: Mikhailov Alexander - main application with views - arena class file for our application - a file with our character classes and their characteristics - file with weapons and armor and their performance - file with the skills of our characters - file with the main application logic (base class, player class and enemy class) - application deployment file
requirements.txt - application dependencies
.gitignore - files and folders to ignore in Git version control
Directory data - Directory with application source data
- equipment.json - JSON file with weapon and armor data
- equipment.json - JSON file with weapon and armor data
Directory templates - Directory with application templates (HTML)
- fight.html - App arena menu template (HTML)
- hero_choosing.html - Character selection menu template (HTML)
- index.html - Application main menu template (HTML)
- fight.html - App arena menu template (HTML)