This project is archived. Though a good start, I've realised with time that this is not a good structure for what I strive to build. I've not abandonned the idea of this project, but the new version will surely be entirely re-written in another language, while being way more modular. If you wish to take this project, please mail me at
m a i l [ a t ] l y e s [ d o t ] e u
(remove the spaces and replace the[at]
) to take over it, I would give you maintainership. Please bear in mind that while using outdated library and horrible graphics, I still think that I've left this project in good shape, with good documentation (even though missing some comments for later code). And it is quite advanced. It shouldn't be too hard to make it thriving again, and the switch to Symfony 5 shouldn't be too painful! Also, e-mail me if you're interested in developping its continuation and if your interested in my plans!
Code of conduct here
Si vous parlez français, vous pouvez visionnez ce même document en français ici !
Our mother tongue is not English. If you found a grammar mistake, please open an issue.
HAY is an acronym of "How Are You". It's also an Open Source social media that respect your privacy and doesn't track you! It's
a website from The Open Medium project.
More infos here.
Mode detailed installation instruction here, this quick installation is only suitable if you already have all tools installed and you're on Linux.
git clone
cd HAY
composer install
yarn install
yarn encore dev
Then, you have to change database information in .env
using your favorite editor, like nano, vim or emacs.
./bin/console doctrine:database:create
./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
And for using the website, you can either use apache or nginx, if you installed the project in the appropriate directory or run this command to use the website in localhost:8000
./bin/console server:run
Because having a common convention is essential to have a clear code! And we use Symfony because it's a simple and Open Source framework for php (especially Symfony 4) that have many bundles that simplify coding. It's also a framework that simplify working in group.
If you don't know how to use Symfony you can use the documentation here. You'll see it's very simple! You only have to know how to code in PHP! (Warning: Symfony 4 and 3 are very different, be sure that you know the good one)
A tutorial is available here ;)!
And a GUI installer is in development and will be available before the alpha release.
Not for now, but I will provide one before the alpha release.
Well that's suprisingly complicated, as HAY is still in pre-alpha, update instructions might change... from commit to commit. But in alpha, clear and consistent update mechanism will be provided.
But, it's usually:
git pull composer install yarn install yarn encore dev ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
If you have another question, please open an issue!