- Utilizes the Nexys™3 Spartan-6 FPGA Board
- Uses the VGA for output.
- Includes console application to convert an image into 8-bit ROM Verilog file that is used by the synthesizer
- Directional buttons on the FPGA are used for movement
Running ISE project:
- Navigate to 'SRC/FPGA-Verilog-Code'
- Double-click 'FinalProject2.xise' to launch project in ISE Project Navigator
Console app used to generate image ROM:
- To open the files associated with the project, you will need Visual Studio. This project was built using Visual Studio 2012 but can be viewed and compiled with lower versions.
- Navigate to 'SRC\VerilogFileGenerator\ConsoleApp' and double-click '417-ImageToHex' to launch the project.
- The executable is located at: 'SRC\VerilogFileGenerator\ConsoleApp\417-ImageToHex\bin' NOTE: If you compile in DEBUG mode, the executable will be in the 'debug' folder. Otherwise it will be saved to the 'release' folder.
- **NOTE: Folder located at 'SRC\VerilogFileGenerator\SampleInput' contains sample input that is read by the console application.