A simple plugin for helping you to change your application's behaviors, settings,.. without updating the application via network JSON.
- Fetch Remote Config via network JSON.
- Cache in-memory configs
- Provide get data via key and default value when data isn't found.
You can get started by looking at the example.
dart pub add simple_remote_config
flutter pub add simple_remote_config
Don't forget to add network permission in the Android manifest (AndroidManifest.xml
<manifest xmlns:android...>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<application ...
macOS apps must allow network access in the relevant *.entitlements files.
Create your SimpleRemoteConfig
import 'package:simple_remote_config/simple_remote_config.dart';
final remoteConfig = SimpleRemoteConfig();
has a param Client
from http
package so you can pass your custom Client
object when create SimpleRemoteConfig
import 'package:simple_remote_config/simple_remote_config.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
final client = http.Client();
final remoteConfig = SimpleRemoteConfig(client: client);
provides initilize
function and you must pass an url to start fetching remote config data from network.
Remember: Url must return JSON format.
import 'package:simple_remote_config/simple_remote_config.dart';
final remoteConfig = SimpleRemoteConfig();
const configUrl = "https://dungngminh.github.io/remote_config/test.json";
await remoteConfig.initilize(configUrl: configUrl);
fetchs data in JSON format, data is returned in key-value format, you can key
to get value
get functions, currently SimpleRemoteConfig
supports String
, int
, double
, bool
, Map
Example JSON format:
"key1": true, // boolean
"key2": 10, // int
"key3": "value from key 3", // string,
"key4": {
"key4_1": "value from key 4_1",
"key4_2": 20
}, // map
"key5": 10.5 // double
And get data:
final valueKey1 = remoteConfig.getBool('key1');
print(valueKey1); // true
final valueKey2 = remoteConfig.getInt('key2');
print(valueKey2); // 10
final valueKey3 = remoteConfig.getString('key3');
print(valueKey3); // value from key 3
final valueKey4 = remoteConfig.getMap('key4');
print(valueKey4); // {key4_1: value from key 4_1, key4_2: 20}
final valueKey5 = remoteConfig.getDouble('key5');
print(valueKey5); // 10.5
If provided key
is not found or provided T
is incorrect, get functions will return null
final valueKey7 = remoteConfig.getString('key7');
print(valueKey7); // null
You can pass defaultValue
when get functions returns null
final valueKey7 = remoteConfig.getString('key7', defaultValue: 'this is default value');
print(valueKey7); // this is default value
provides getAll
function to get all data from remote.
final allData = remoteConfig.getAll();
print(allData); /// {key1: true, key2: 10, key3: value from key 3, key4: {key4_1: value from key 4_1, key4_2: 20}, key5: 10.5}
That's all for now! Want a feature? Found a bug? Create an issue!