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Persistent channels, and channel pools for gRPC Elixir.


Add conn_grpc to your list of dependencies:

def deps do
    {:conn_grpc, "~> 0.1"},

    # You also need to have gRPC Elixir installed
    {:grpc, "~> 0.5"}

How to use

You can use ConnGRPC with a pool of persistent channels, or with a single persistent channel.

Channel pools

Define a module that uses ConnGRPC.Pool:

defmodule DemoPool do
  use ConnGRPC.Pool,
    pool_size: 5,
    channel: [address: "localhost:50051", opts: []]

Then add DemoPool to your supervision tree, and call get_channel/0 from anywhere in your application to get a channel connection:

{:ok, channel} = DemoPool.get_channel()

Each time get_channel is called, a different channel from your pool will be returned using round-robin distribution.

For more info, see ConnGRPC.Pool on Hexdocs.

Single channel

For a single persistent channel, define a module that uses ConnGRPC.Channel.

defmodule DemoChannel do
  use ConnGRPC.Channel, address: "localhost:50051", opts: []

Then add DemoChannel to your supervision tree, and call get/0 from anywhere in your application to get your channel connection:

{:ok, channel} = DemoChannel.get()

Depending on the load, using a single channel for the entire application may become a bottleneck. In that case, use the ConnGRPC.Pool module, that creates a pool of channels.

For more info, see ConnGRPC.Channel on Hexdocs.

Code of Conduct

This project uses Contributor Covenant version 2.1. Check file for more information.


ConnGRPC source code is released under Apache License 2.0.

Check NOTICE and LICENSE files for more information.