This is a repository for a Jakarta EE course. There are several completed assignments in the repository on different topics such as:
- Servlets;
- JavaServer Pages (JSP);
- Java XML Binding;
- Java Persistence API (JPA);
- JavaServer Faces (JSF).
- This is a training repository;
- The purpose of this repository is to help me learn more about Java2EE;
- I undertook the Java2EE course during my undergraduate degree.
- Java 18;
- GlassFish 6.2.5;
- PostgreSQL 15;
- IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.5.
- Use Java2EE API;
- Use Hibernate;
- Use MVC design pattern.
- Install IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.5;
- Install openjdk-18.0.2;
- Install GlassFish 6.2.5;
- Install PostgreSQL 15.
- Clone this repo;
- Open the project;
- Choose a module that you'd like to run;
- In that module find the corresponding pom.xml file (this is the file with the project dependencies);
- By using the corresponding button reload the maven project;
- If the module uses a database, find the corresponding persistence.xml file in that module;
- Enter the appropriate username, password and url;
- Create a GlassFish local run configuration;
- In the configuration set "Server Domain" field to "domain1" and "Username" field to "admin";
- In the configuration choose a war archive to be deployed at the server startup;
- In the configuration change the URL according to the deployed archives;
- Access the app by the URL.
The project is completed.
Created by @NikitaKolychev - feel free to contact me!