Parse, add, remove, or modify standard jsdoc tags or custom tags from comments; Generate jsdoc comments from JavaScript data.
Hello friend. Have you ever had the need to:
- ...parse standard and/or custom jsdoc tags into usable JavaScript objects?
- ...programmatically add, modify, or remove jsdoc tags?
- ...programmatically generate jsdoc comments from JavaScript data?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, then jsdoc-parse-plus is for you!
Version: 1.3.0
For detailed information on each util, see below this table.
function | Description |
getCommentsFromFile | Extract all jsdoc comment strings from a file |
getTag | Gets a jsdoc tag's data; if the tag type supports multiple entries, an array of the tags will be returned |
parse | Parse a jsdoc comment string against all potential jsdoc tags and optional custom tags |
parseTags | Parse a jsdoc comment string against specified tags only; custom tags may be included |
removeTags | Removes a set of tags from jsdoc |
toCommentString | Convert an object to a jsdoc comment string |
// base tag type
export interface ITag {
tag: string;
value?: string;
raw: string;
// for tags that can contain a description as part of their value (i.e. @param, @returns, etc)
export interface IDescriptive extends ITag {
description?: string;
// additional keys for the @param tag type
export interface IParam extends IDescriptive {
name: string;
optional?: boolean;
defaultValue?: string;
// for tags that contain a type (i.e. @param, @returns, etc)
export interface IType extends IDescriptive {
type?: string;
// for inline link tags like {@link} and {@tutorial}
export type InlineLink = {
tag: string,
url: string,
text: string,
raw: string,
// util configuration types
export type GetCommentsFromFileConfig = { keepIndent?: boolean };
export type ToCommentStringConfig = { indentChars?: number };
Some functions have an optional linkRenderer
which is used to convert inline
and {@tutorial}
tags to clickable links.
If you do not specify linkRenderer
, the internal linkRenderer
will output a basic link:
const internalLinkRenderer = (link: InlineLink) => `<a href="${link.url}">${link.text}</a>
// outputs =>
<a href="url">text</a>
However, you can override that by providing your own linkRenderer
. For example, if you wanted to add a css class to your links, you would create a function like the following and pass that in as your linkRenderer
const myLinkRenderer = (link: InlineLink) => `<a class="css-class" href="${link.url}">${link.text}</a>
// outputs =>
<a class="css-class" href="url">text</a>
It doesn't even have to be an anchor tag. Your custom function can return any string so you have the flexibility to do anything special that you might need.
Without further ado, the utils...
Extract all jsdoc comment strings from a file
Since v1.0.0
Param | Type | Default |
file String contents of a file | string | |
config (optional) The configuration for output formatting | GetCommentsFromFileConfig | { keepIndent = false } |
Returns: {string[]} Array of jsdoc strings
// The configuration type for the util:
// keepIndent?: boolean = false - Whether or not to keep the indentation of the entire jsdoc comment block
export type GetCommentsFromFileConfig = { keepIndent?: boolean };
import { getCommentsFromFile, GetCommentsFromFileConfig } from 'jsdoc-parse-plus';
const file = `
* The first group
* @since v1.0.0
* The second group
* @since v1.0.0
/** The third group */`;
// outputs =>
* The first group
* @since v1.0.0
* The second group
* @since v1.0.0
'/** The third group */',
Gets a jsdoc tag's data; if the tag type supports multiple entries, an array of the tags will be returned
Param | Type |
jsdoc The entire jsdoc string | string |
linkRenderer (optional) Optional function to override default rendering of inline link and tutorial tags | (link: InlineLink) => string |
Returns: {(tag: string) => ITag | Array<ITag | ITag[]>} Function to get the tag or array of all tags that go by that name
For more information on
, please see Using a custom linkRenderer.
import { getTag } from 'jsdoc-parse-plus';
const jsdoc = `
* The description goes here
* @since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)
* @template T
* @param {T} children - JSX children
* @param {any[]} types - Types of children to match
* @param {GetChildByTypeConfig} [{ customTypeKey: '__TYPE', prioritized: false }] - The configuration params
* @param {string} [optionalParam='default text'] An optional param with a description without a dash
* @returns {T} - The first matching child
* @docgen_types
* // Custom docgen tag
* @example
* // Examples...
* getTag('@description')(jsdoc);
* @customTag customTag value 1
* @customTag customTag value 2
const tag = getTag(jsdoc);
// outputs =>
tag: '@description',
value: 'The description goes here',
raw: 'The description goes here',
// outputs =>
tag: '@param',
type: 'T',
name: 'children',
description: 'JSX children',
optional: false,
defaultValue: undefined,
raw: '@param {T} children - JSX children',
tag: '@param',
type: 'any[]',
name: 'types',
description: 'Types of children to match',
optional: false,
defaultValue: undefined,
raw: '@param {any[]} types - Types of children to match',
tag: '@param',
type: 'GetChildByTypeConfig',
name: '{ customTypeKey: \'__TYPE\', prioritized: false }',
description: 'The configuration params',
optional: true,
defaultValue: undefined,
raw: '@param {GetChildByTypeConfig} [{ customTypeKey: \'__TYPE\', prioritized: false }] - The configuration params',
tag: '@param',
type: 'string',
name: 'optionalParam',
description: 'An optional param with a description without a dash',
optional: true,
defaultValue: '\'default text\'',
raw: '@param {string} [optionalParam=\'default text\'] An optional param with a description without a dash',
// custom tag used once outputs =>
tag: '@docgen_types',
value: '// Custom docgen tag',
raw: '@docgen_types\n// Custom docgen tag',
// custom tag used multiple times outputs =>
tag: '@customTag',
value: 'customTag value 1',
raw: '@customTag customTag value 1',
tag: '@customTag',
value: 'customTag value 2',
raw: '@customTag customTag value 2',
Parse a jsdoc comment string against all potential jsdoc tags and optional custom tags
Since v1.0.0
Param | Type | Default |
jsdoc The entire jsdoc comment string | string | |
customTags (optional) Optional array of custom tags parse | string[] | [] |
linkRenderer (optional) Optional function to override default rendering of inline link and tutorial tags | (link: InlineLink) => string |
Returns: {object} Object with keys of each parsed tag
For more information on
, please see Using a custom linkRenderer.
import { parse } from 'jsdoc-parse-plus';
const jsdoc = `
* The description goes here
* @since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)
* @template T
* @param {T} children - JSX children
* @param {any[]} types - Types of children to match
* @param {GetChildByTypeConfig} [{ customTypeKey: '__TYPE', prioritized: false }] - The configuration params
* @param {string} [optionalParam='default text'] An optional param with a description without a dash
* @returns {T} - The first matching child
* @docgen_types
* // Custom docgen tag
* @example
* // Examples...
* getTag('@description')(jsdoc);
* @customTag customTag value 1
* @customTag customTag value 2
* @see {@link MyClass} and [MyClass's foo property]{@link MyClass#foo}.
* Also, check out {@link|Google} and
* {@link GitHub}.
parse(jsdoc, ['customTag', 'docgen_types']);
// outputs =>
description: {
tag: '@description',
value: 'The description goes here',
raw: 'The description goes here',
since: {
tag: '@since',
value: 'v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)',
raw: '@since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)',
template: [{
tag: '@template',
value: 'T',
description: undefined,
raw: '@template T',
param: [
tag: '@param',
type: 'T',
name: 'children',
description: 'JSX children',
optional: false,
defaultValue: undefined,
raw: '@param {T} children - JSX children',
tag: '@param',
type: 'any[]',
name: 'types',
description: 'Types of children to match',
optional: false,
defaultValue: undefined,
raw: '@param {any[]} types - Types of children to match',
tag: '@param',
type: 'GetChildByTypeConfig',
name: '{ customTypeKey: \'__TYPE\', prioritized: false }',
description: 'The configuration params',
optional: true,
defaultValue: undefined,
raw: '@param {GetChildByTypeConfig} [{ customTypeKey: \'__TYPE\', prioritized: false }] - The configuration params',
tag: '@param',
type: 'string',
name: 'optionalParam',
description: 'An optional param with a description without a dash',
optional: true,
defaultValue: '\'default text\'',
raw: '@param {string} [optionalParam=\'default text\'] An optional param with a description without a dash',
example: [{
tag: '@example',
value: '// Examples...\ngetTag(\'@description\')(jsdoc);',
raw: '@example\n// Examples...\ngetTag(\'@description\')(jsdoc);',
returns: {
tag: '@returns',
type: 'T',
description: 'The first matching child',
raw: '@returns {T} - The first matching child',
see: [{
tag: '@see',
value: '<a href="MyClass">MyClass</a> and <a href="MyClass#foo">MyClass\'s foo property</a>.\nAlso, check out <a href="">Google</a> and\n<a href="">GitHub</a>.',
raw: '@see {@link MyClass} and [MyClass\'s foo property]{@link MyClass#foo}.\nAlso, check out {@link|Google} and\n{@link GitHub}.',
docgen_types: {
tag: '@docgen_types',
value: '// Custom docgen tag',
raw: '@docgen_types\n// Custom docgen tag',
customTag: [
tag: '@customTag',
value: 'customTag value 1',
raw: '@customTag customTag value 1',
tag: '@customTag',
value: 'customTag value 2',
raw: '@customTag customTag value 2',
Parse a jsdoc comment string against specified tags only; custom tags may be included
Since v1.0.0
Param | Type |
jsdoc The entire jsdoc comment string | string |
tags The tags to parse | string[] |
linkRenderer (optional) Optional function to override default rendering of inline link and tutorial tags | (link: InlineLink) => string |
Returns: {object} Object with keys of each parsed tag
For more information on
, please see Using a custom linkRenderer.
import { parseTags } from 'jsdoc-parse-plus';
const jsdoc = `
* The description goes here
* @since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)
* @template T
* @param {T} children - JSX children
* @param {any[]} types - Types of children to match
* @param {GetChildByTypeConfig} [{ customTypeKey: '__TYPE', prioritized: false }] - The configuration params
* @param {string} [optionalParam='default text'] An optional param with a description without a dash
* @returns {T} - The first matching child
* @docgen_types
* // Custom docgen tag
* @example
* // Examples...
* getTag('@description')(jsdoc);
* @customTag customTag value 1
* @customTag customTag value 2
* @see {@link MyClass} and [MyClass's foo property]{@link MyClass#foo}.
* Also, check out {@link|Google} and
* {@link GitHub}.
parseTags(jsdoc, ['@description', '@since', '@docgen_types', 'customTag', '@thisTagDoesntExist']);
// outputs =>
description: {
tag: '@description',
value: 'The description goes here',
raw: 'The description goes here',
since: {
tag: '@since',
value: 'v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)',
raw: '@since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)',
docgen_types: {
tag: '@docgen_types',
value: '// Custom docgen tag',
raw: '@docgen_types\n// Custom docgen tag',
customTag: [
tag: '@customTag',
value: 'customTag value 1',
raw: '@customTag customTag value 1',
tag: '@customTag',
value: 'customTag value 2',
raw: '@customTag customTag value 2',
Removes a set of tags from jsdoc
Param | Type |
jsdoc The entire jsdoc string | string |
tags Array of string tags to remove | string[] |
Returns: {string} The jsdoc string the specified tags removed
import { removeTags } from 'jsdoc-parse-plus';
const jsdoc = `
* The description goes here
* @since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)
* @template T
* @param {T} children - JSX children
* @param {any[]} types - Types of children to match
* @param {GetChildByTypeConfig} [{ customTypeKey: '__TYPE', prioritized: false }] - The configuration params
* @param {string} [optionalParam='default text'] An optional param with a description without a dash
* @returns {T} - The first matching child
removeTags(jsdoc, ['@description', '@template', '@param']);
// outputs =>
* @since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)
* @returns {T} - The first matching child
Convert an object to a jsdoc comment string
Since v1.0.0
Param | Type | Default |
tags Object containing keys of tags | {[tag: string]: ITag | Array<ITag | ITag[]>} | |
config (optional) The configuration for output formatting | ToCommentStringConfig | { indentChars = 0 } |
Returns: {string} The jsdoc string
// The configuration type for the util:
// indentChars?: number = 0 - The number of characters that the output string should be indented
export type ToCommentStringConfig = { indentChars?: number };
import { toCommentString, ToCommentStringConfig } from 'jsdoc-parse-plus';
const tags = {
description: {
tag: '@description',
value: 'The description goes here',
raw: 'The description goes here',
since: {
tag: '@since',
value: 'v1.0.0',
raw: '@since v1.0.0',
// outputs =>
* The description goes here
* @since v1.0.0
Within the module you'll find the following directories and files:
package.json -- history of changes to the module -- this file
└───index.d.ts - 784 Bytes
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└───index.js - 1.54 KB
└───index.d.ts - 627 Bytes
└───index.js - 79 Bytes
└───types.d.ts - 177 Bytes
└───types.js - 79 Bytes
└───utils.d.ts - 2.12 KB
└───utils.js - 13.5 KB
└───index.d.ts - 784 Bytes
└───index.js - 2.13 KB
└───index.d.ts - 768 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.12 KB
└───index.d.ts - 388 Bytes
└───index.js - 272 Bytes
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└───index.js - 1.39 KB
└───index.d.ts - 627 Bytes
└───index.js - 12 Bytes
└───types.d.ts - 177 Bytes
└───types.js - 12 Bytes
└───utils.d.ts - 2.12 KB
└───utils.js - 11.97 KB
Michael ParavanoNone