Releases: TheTHINGYEEE/StaffApplications-BUNGEE
StaffApplications-BUNGEE for 1.12.2
Staff Applications for Bungee. Cross-servers, no need to add the plugin one by one on the servers inside bungee.
staffapplication.apply - Give this to default players. Allows them to run /apply.
staffapplication.admin - Commands still not separated but commonly given to staff members. /staffapplication
/apply - Returns the attached message on the config or the given message set.
/staffapp setmessage - Sets the message on the config itself instead of changing the message on the config.
/staffapp open - To open the staff application command for default players.
/staffapp close - To close the staff application command for default players.
/staffapp status - Returns information based on the configuration file.
/staffapp - Returns the plugin information.