Deploys a portable PowerShell package with often used modules. When updates are released, launching PSPortable will present a changelog and prompt to use update-console to update if desired.
Install Oh-MyPosh
- Skip if this is a server environment since oh-my-posh will not be used
- Run from an admin pwsh prompt and not PowerShell
try{ Remove-Item $env:POSH_PATH -Force -Recurse Uninstall-Module oh-my-posh -AllVersions } catch { } winget install JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh -s winget
Install PSPortable Full or Light
- Open an admin PowerShell prompt
- Run the below script to include all modules and update existing module that will be included
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -confirm:$false -Force -Scope CurrentUser [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 (invoke-webrequest -usebasicparsing).content | Invoke-Expression
Using PSPortable or PSPortableLight in Terminal
These steps offer a guide to use PSPortable or PSPortableLight in Windows Terminal as intended. These steps will install a Nerdfont and Git, so the Oh-My-Posh theme is properly presented. Only perform these steps if you also install oh-my-posh
- Install Nerd Font, Git, and sign into Git account
Install-Font Install-chocolatey choco install git git config --global "account" git config --global ""
- Terminal settings should be configured to your preference, Example Settings
- Nerd Font must be specified in the PSPortable or PSPortableLight profile.