Actionbars Became Funky (ABF) is an add on that enchants the default action bars!
You can open the options panel in three ways:
- With the commands: /abf and /actionbarbecamefunky.
- Through the game menu. Game Menu (Esc) --> Options --> AddOns.
- Through the minimap buttons that Blizzard gave us. It’s a tiny number at the top-left or bottom-left of the minimap, click it and you will find it.
Right now, ABF can:
- Place an slot art to buttons of an action bar!
- Place an artwork/texture at the edge of an action bar (like Gryphons, Wyverns, Dragons, etc)!
- Place an artwork/texture at the top of an action bar!
- Place an artwork/texture at the bottom of an action bar!
- Make some of those artworks/textures interactive, play a small animation when you start the combat and during the combat!
- You can create, load, and delete a profile so you can copy/paste your settings between your characters!