Practical part of bachelor project Photovoltaic Power Plant Prediction of Production available at:
The position is needed to correctly determine the weather forecast.
- Latitude and Longitude
-Manual Add
-Autofind using Geolocation API
-Use map to generate location - City name and state ISO
Data that must be filled is:
Visualitation of forecast is separed into tree timezones and this is for following 3hour,7days or 7days hour by hour.
For constrast ,there is also weather forecast showed for specified timezones.
In query link must be specified time and all atributes like in visualization. Timezones:
- 3HRS -forecast for following 3 hours.
- 7DYS -forecast for folowing 7 days avarage.
- WEEK -forecast for folowing 7 days hour by hour.
Response for query above.
Comparation is made for one day with and for actual week with real power plant.
More info is on the Comparation page.
Weather Forecast: visualcrossing API
Solar forecast for comparation :