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What's Frigate?

Frigate is a tool to retrieve and analyze alert data from the ZTF alert stream, from the full set of alerts to the subset of alerts that passed filters in Fritz, and the subset that was saved as proper astronomical sources. The current frigate/ only addresses step 1 (getting the full set of alerts for a specified time period, usually one night). The script found in scripts/ is an earlier attempt at step 1,2, and 3 along with visualization. Next, we plan to integrate better versions of step 2 and 3 in the frigate/ script and add more visualization tools.

You can run frigate with:

PYTHONPATH=. python frigate

To get the list of all possible arguments, you can run:

PYTHONPATH=. python frigate --help

To run the deprecated scripts/ script, you can run:

PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ --feature='candidate.magpsf,candidate.sigmapsf' --programids=1,2 --plot=True --start=2460355.5 --nb_days=1 --sp_token=<your_sp_token> --sp_groupIDs=41 --sp_filterIDs=1 --nb_bins=1000 --k_token=<your_kowalski_token>
  • Fetch all the features of all alert packets within a given time range with given program ids and store it as a pandas dataframe
  • Fetch all of the candidates that passed filters in Fritz (with exact candid, not just objectIds). Relies on the new /api/candidates_filter endpoint.
  • Looking at the subset of alerts that passed the filters, find the obj_id of the sources that were saved in Fritz.
  • Update the dataframe with a column containing the list of filters passed for each alert, and a column containing the groupIDs for each alert which obj has been saved as a source to the groups associated to the filters passed.
  • Figure out what visualizations tools and plots we can use to represent the data in a meaningful way and extract insights from it.


On a system with low memory, you can call frigate with the --low_memory=True flag to reduce memory usage. This will save each subset of alerts to disk, and concatenate them at the end instead of concatenating as the batched queries return. That way we avoid growing the memory of the main process while the individual threads are running. In the future, we want to expand on that mode to reduce the nb of alerts fetched per batch query to reduce the memory usage even more.


Fritz gap analysis






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